It involves the careful selection and integration of various sound elements, such as dialogue, music, ambient sounds, and special effects, to create a realistic and immersive audio environment that supports and complements the storytelling.

Overall, the previous reliance on stock sound libraries hampered the development of a unique and authentic sound identity for Nollywood and constrained the potential of sound design as a storytelling tool.

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This concept involves creating and recording everyday sounds to enhance the audio experience of a film. Originating in the 1920s, Foley artistry quickly became an integral part of the filmmaking process.

When it comes to creating realistic sound effects for movies, Foley artists play a crucial role. These behind-the-scenes wizards use various tools and techniques to bring the world of the film to life.

Foley artists also understand the importance of capturing the intricacies of everyday sounds. They are keen observers of real-life situations and use their expertise to recreate these sounds accurately.

A common complaint I see people posting on reddit a few times a year is that they hate riding the volume of movies and TV shows while watching because the sound effects and music are too loud compared to the dialogue.

Movies are mixed this way, with high dynamic range (HDR) sound, to sound good in a theater. It's a nice quiet environment with decent acoustics. High dynamic range sounds good in a theater, where you can hear whisper quiet dialogue no problem since the noise level is so low and there's not a lot of reverberations in the room. In that case loud sound effects and music peaks are at a good level, and sound exciting. Just like how the filmmakers approved it and wanted you to hear it.

But at home, you're competing with your window air conditioner, or a fan, or an open window, or other people talking in an adjacent room. It's a lot more noise to compete with. You probably also have terrible acoustics in your playback space with lots of reflections off hard surfaces and little sound proofing in the walls to prevent acoustical energy transfer. So you turn up your movie so you can hear your dialogue. Lets say you want the opposite. You have neighbors, or roommates, or a baby sleeping near by. You want to listen to the movie at a lower level so as not to disturb people. In both these scenarios the playback environment is far from ideal. You set your level so you can understand the story via the dialogue, but those SFX and MX jump out and you have to turn things down.

The filmmakers and the sound team work really hard during a mix to get their movie or TV show to sound a certain way to give you a certain emotional experience. They HATE it when their vision gets fucked with, as we're currently seeing with Seth Rogan, Judd Apatow, and Sony. They don't want a LDR mix of their movie going out that they haven't approved, and they don't want some consumer device's "night mode" to fuck up the audio mix either.

So now we're stuck in a bit of a deadlock, and most of the time it's about money. The studios/distributors/streaming providers don't want to spend more money for the sound work or bandwidth to get it to you, most people don't want to pay more for their movies or for new electronics that they might not even know how to properly use.

Sound Ideas is proud to have purchased the illustrious The Hollywood Edge sound effects collection. With the addition of The Hollywood Edge collections, Sound Ideas now has over 520,000 sound effects available for your productions. Almost all of The Hollywood Edge collections are available for download and many of the collections are also available on a Hard Drive, included with the purchase.

"The creators of the Hollywood Edge have been designing, recording and editing the sound on my films for years. If anyone knows how to deliver a top-notch Hollywood sound effects library, the Hollywood Edge does."

One of the first major breakthroughs in the realm of sound effects and design, the famous sound designer Murray Spivack was responsible for creating some of the first technical achievements in movie sound effects.

With the help of the famous score by composer Bernard Hermann (regarded as perhaps the greatest film composer of all time), The Birds is a master class into how to blend diegetic and non-diegetic sounds to create an auditory cacophony to simultaneously startle and mesmerize your audience more than even visuals could.

Streisand famously lobbied director Wyler to let her perform the songs live on set, instead of going with pre-recorded tracks. The decision ultimately aided the film, as well as notably helped the sound recording and design community forward in their abilities to capture quality audio on set over in studio.

Many, if nearly all, of these sound effects came from sound designer Ben Burtt, who spent years perfecting the various effects for the film as he came up with ingenious, and often quite practical, ways to record and create effects for the lightsabers, R2-D2, Chewbacca, and tons of the other sound effects still in use today.

One of my favorite films on our list, David Lynch spent several years perfecting every single detail of his experimental (first) horror film Eraserhead. Working with sound designer Alan Splet, Lynch would experiment heavily with how abstract sound design and effects could help shape his haunting, yet beautiful, industrial cityscape, as well as to develop his complex themes and motifs throughout the film.

Finally, perhaps considered the new pinnacle in technical achievement in sound effects and design, the Wachowskis (Lana and Lilly) brought a wide array of sophisticated visual and audio effects to the table with their breakout 1999 sci-fi hit The Matrix.

Overall, the film represented a new world of sorts, as much of the production relied on digital effects contained in a simulated, digital world. As such, sound designer Dane Davis created a range of new digitized sounds to represent this new online world creation, making use of everything from old computer noises to new artificial effects and sounds.

Originally used to dramatise radio dialogue, sound effects have quickly developed into an expansive area of production alongside modern recording and editing technology. What has remained the same, however, is the high degree of creative spark required to make profound audio moments resonate in film.

The lightsaber hum is integral to the Star Wars universe. It was the first thing sound designer Ben Burtt made for the films and has remained an exhilarating effect eight entries in. Still a student projectionist at UFC, Burtt was inspired by the wavering pitch of two Simplex projector motors harmonising with each other and recorded it. Paired with the transmission whir of a TV set, the basic lightsaber tone was established.

One final step was required to create the illusion of saber movement. By playing back the composite hum on loudspeakers and passing an active microphone in front of the speaker cone, Burtt was able to get the Doppler effect the defines the zipping lightsaber sound.

Jurassic Park sound designer Gary Rydstrom was given the creative task of coming up with animal noises no one had ever heard before. Without a dinosaur in existence for over 65 million years, he drew inspiration from living creatures instead.

The transformation of harmless animals into gigantic prehistoric beats was a success. In 1994, Rydstrom won two Academy Awards for sound editing on Jurassic Park, and has gone on to win five more for other films.

While you may be unfamiliar with its name, you have heard the eerie sounds of the Waterphone in films like Poltergeist, The Matrix, and Alien. Invented by Richard Waters between 1968-1969, the Waterphone consists of a stainless steel pan surrounded by metal rods of various lengths that can be drummed or bowed like a string instrument. Each model is handmade by Waters himself.

To produce sound, the instrument requires that water be poured into the basin portion. The amount of water used will influence the overall tonal character by varying the pitch and blend of notes. Its unhinged, resonant sound often crops up in films when something strange and unknown happens, and has also been used to call whales and other aquatic mammals.

Veteran voice actor Peter Cullen based the iconic pur of the titular character in Predator on a dying, upside down crab he came across once on a beach. After being shown the scene where the Predator takes off his mask to reveal his suitably alien face, Cullen quickly recalled the poor crustacean and the crackling sounds it made during its final moments.

Audio Engineer James A. Moorer wrote over 20,000 lines of computer code to generate the effect of 30 different musicians picking a random note and slowly moving a target note that forms one giant chord, all while getting louder over time. Equal parts chaos and musical bliss, this sound effect is completely unique.

To make the numerous mythical and fictional creatures that populate Middle Earth seem believable, extensive sound design was required. Across the Lord of the Rings series we encounter goblins, dragons, trolls, and talking trees alongside human characters. On top of this, there are regular battle scenes and moments of supernatural activity.

For The Two Towers, the audio team was tasked with generating the sound of thousands of savage Uruk-hai orcs chanting and marching into war. Uninterested with going the conventional route of recording a large group of people and stacking the results multiple times over, the audio team took a more authentic approach.

In a film filled with bizarre twists, the apocalyptic rain of frogs in Magnolia takes the cake. To simulate the sounds of little green bodies falling from the sky, sound designers Richard King and Eric Potter took pieces of meat and recorded their impact on windows, walls, and ceilings in an abandoned house. For greater tonal variation, a loop of impacts was projected by loudspeakers into a canyon and re-recorded. 2351a5e196

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