A Fate Broken


The silence is deafening

The wish for void so large

The silence is maddening

Alone on this barge

I drift drift drift in space

The feelings of void

No happiness, no side of lace

The safety destroyed

First, a clean slate

That's what started this fate

Scratches form as it grows old

Suddenly not as clean to behold

A little crack here and there

What will we do?

Fix the slate's wear and tear

What will we do

When it is too much to bear

It breaks through

Reality snaps, the truth gone

The feelings of life hard to hold on

Fading to black, whatever I see

Breaking down, like an old birch tree

The safety destroyed

No happiness, no side of lace

The feelings of void

I drift drift drift in space

Alone on this barge

The silence is maddening

The wish for void so large

The silence is deafening