Chapter 5

The Centres of Attention

Black Belly Reporting

Shout out to AsphodelVeil for helping me as the interviewed certified cutie sophont!!!

My dear readers,

Today I have yet another great interview and yet another great adventure, Black Belly Reporting bringing the news to you once more. I domestican’t talk about this if I’m not willing to dive truly deep. That’s right, I will inform you about those famous domestication centres popping up everywhere! Time to investigate them from the inside.

I recently sent a message to the centre nearest me and asked if I could interview. The answer was… YES! So, I headed there with all my bravado and questions sorted out and met with the adorable and downright precious Lyse Loranthus, Eleventh Floret. After a lil introduction, we began. First, I asked what they did.

The answer was nice and simple, or so you think! They are the entry point. They ‘break’ the ice and help the to-be floret to calm down. She makes sure to get all the comforts, think blankies, snacks, and drinks. Ask for it, and she will provide it. Then the dangers begin. They begin asking questions, slowly filling out a profile for the sweet sophont that (probably) got tricked into heading to the centre.

Now, let’s say that you have been magically talked into becoming a floret, and you apply, yet doubts flood your mind. What will happen next? Sweet Lyse explained what happens next. First, she’ll get you hot chocolate with marshmallows, some nice fluffy blankets and/or a good chat. Then, she’ll explain all the ‘good’ things (well, good for some, but not all). And she’ll answer all your questions, trying to persuade you more and more about the floret lifestyle.

I think that at this point, you know what the end goal is, namely domestication. That is just this one location. Remember, they have popped up everywhere. Each one is made to transform you. It’s a well-oiled pipeline, straight to domestication.

Anyways that is just the preparation done by the one who receives you. After all this, we get to something nice, namely matchmaking. They won’t just pair you up with the first choice. They’ll actively work towards getting you the best fit. Everything will be used to get this done right, from those introductory questions to class D (a xenodrug similar to a truth serum), class H (hypnotics) and even this ‘neuromnemonic mapping device’, a machine that maps your mind and finds all those intricacies.

So, if you want any form of privacy, say goodbye. However, that, you would’ve known beforehand. After all, the end goal of this pipeline is for you to be someone’s pet. This isn’t the end though as sometimes there’s more needed for the perfect fit. This ordeal can continue with interviews and biorhythm exposure tests. This last is about how well you mesh with the affini’s biorhythm. 

Yes, you read that right, biorhythm. Affini are more complex than it seems. Each and everyone has their own rhythm, which isn’t just a heartbeat. It is their whole being. Their movement, their speech, everything is in this rhythm. If you become their pet, even you will mirror this rhythm. As you are theirs, so you too will have this rhythm.

Now to continue on our topic, domestication. The things above are all optional and 100% personalised. Every single journey will be unique and tailored to the sophont in question. So, if you hadn’t had one of the above, don’t think you’re in the clear. You are still at risk of being domesticated if not in the process. Remember, these domestication offices only are used when the sophont themselves starts it. 

This leads to the final parts of domestication, you have been paired up, and the inevitable is about to happen, but what is the inevitable? First, you will sign away ALL your rights. A pet has no rights, just the guarantee of being cared for. Then, when this dehumanising act is finished, they create an implant from the affini, forever binding you to them.

This haustoric implant, as it is called, is very interesting and I’d like to go in-depth, yet for now, I have dug deep enough and need something fun to get my mind off this truly black story. I hope that you have learned something new and are doing amazing. This was Black Belly Reporting. Stay safe and care for yourself (or the affini will)!