Published / Accepted Papers
"The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan," accepted by the Journal of Human Resources
"Does Single-Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in South Korea" (joint with Youngju Lee), Journal of Public Economics, 214,104729. 2022
"Do Mentoring and Oversight Matter? The Effects of Allocating Central Administrators to Local Government Units: Evidence from Japan," Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 40(2), 338–361. 2024
“Does Working with a Future Executive Make Junior Employees More Likely to Be Promoted?” (joint with Natsuki Arai), accepted by Economic Inquiry
Working Papers
"Does How Air Pollution Levels Are Labeled Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea" (joint with Youngju Lee)
"The Impact of the Publication of School Test Scores on Housing Markets: Evidence from Japan" (joint with Shinya Inukai)
“Unintended Consequences of Installing Platform Screen Doors: Displacement and Substitution for Suicide Attempts” (joint with Minsung Park and Youngju Lee)
"Impact of Political Alignment on Tax Evasion: Evidence from South Korea" (joint with Youngju Lee)
"Direct and Indirect Effects of Mandatory Retirement Systems on Workers of Different Ages" (joint with Julie Berry Cullen)