
Torbalı Piri Reis Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Torbalı Piri Reis Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School was established in 1992 as Torbalı Trade Vocational High School. In 2014, it got name used today and has become a vocational high school. There are a total of 584 active students aged between 14 and 18 and 52 education staff in our school. There are 5 main sections in our school, such as Information Technologies Department, Accounting Finance Department, Marketing and Retail Department, Public Relations Department and Office Management Department. From these departmants Information Departmant has two branches; Web Operation and Web Design.

Piri Reis Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School is located in Torbalı district of İzmir. Torbalı is a cosmopolitan district with an immense immigration and a population increase of over 100,000 in the last 10 years as a result of developments in the industrial sector. The current registered population is around 165,000.

IIS Francesco Orioli

The institute is a secondary vocational school called « ISIS F. ORIOLI» and it is situated in Viterbo 80 km north from Rome, a very nice medieval town rich in history, monuments and culture, half an hour drive from Tuscany and easily connected with Florence. ISIS F.Orioli represents a high value resource for its territory. Its structure has several educational path embracing many of the aspects of the modern work market .Our students receive update education connected with the modern professional required skills through the use of many didactic laboratories and activities. The legal education project adopted by all the teachers and students stresses our strong aim to fight against all kind of "mafia" organizations.

The main aims of the “ISIS Orioli” are: Consider the student as the central element of the relation teaching/learning, innovative teaching, drop out prevention, teachers, students and families involvement, build networks of schools.

We are one hundred twenty teachers with nine hundred ninety seven students from fourteen to nineteen. Many of our students have a particular difficult social economic situation. We also have about fifty students with special needs followed by a special team of 35 teachers. The Italian pupils often come from families with poor means, they are interested in learning a manual profession so they can work as soon as they get off the secondary school and very few attends university.

SPECIALTIES: Art school ,health and social services , business management with turism specialization, electronics, fashion courses

Turisticko-ugostiteljska skola Antona Stifanica Porec

Tourism and Catering School Anton Stifanic (TCS) was founded in 1964 and over the years its location, as well as the programmes, have changed. It has existed under its current name as an independent institution since 1992 and offers four different specializations (Hotel & tourism technician, Tourism & hotel commercialist, Chef, Confectioner) 259 students attend 12 classes in four-year- long programmes (HTT, THK) and in a three-year-long programmes ( cook, confectioner). There are 50 employees, out of whom 40 teachers: teachers, vocational teachers, professional teaching assistant. There are several professionally equipped classrooms for practical teaching such as two practicums for cooking, baking and pastry arts, one practicum for serving and catering, IT classroom, two classrooms set up for STEM subjects and foreign language teaching, hotel and tourism subjects and a school library. The mission of the institution is to offer quality knowledge and skills, as well as internationally recognized competence in the field of tourism and catering at the high school education/qualification level. Development of creativity and innovations, ecological awareness, and efficient exchange of knowledge between the School and tourism industry are the School’s priorities.

IES Bezmiliana

The organization is a free public High School located in the south of Spain by the Mediterranean Sea in a town called Rincon de la Victoria near Malaga city. The students age range from twelve to twenty. The students com from Spain, the most, but there are many students from other countries, mainly EU, Latin America and Morocco. Our students and town are middle class mainly The organization takes part in the biligual project in English where some groups and subjects are given in English in order to improve the language skills.

The High school takes part as well in the TIC project, a project developed so as to encourage the use of Information Technologies in the school.

A quality teaching program is developed by our high school inside Junta de Andalucía frame.

We have compulsary studies, from twelve to sixteen, and non-compulsary studies as well and Vocational training in the fields of Management, Electronics and Information Technologies.

Karabaglar Fatih Sultan Mehmet Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

Our school, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School,located in Karabağlar-Izmir,was established in 2011 and it started education and training at the same year. There are three important vocational fields in our school as Chemistry, Electrical and Electronics and Transport Services.

In the field of Chemistry, 113 students have been training. In Transport Services, there are 44 students while in Electrical and Electronics, 101 students have been trained. At total, there are 556 students including 16 special needs students, with 26 branch teachers, 17 vocational teachers, 2 quide teachers and 3 administrators. In addition, there have been 26 clasrooms, 5 chemistry and physics laboratories, 2 computer laboratories and 6 ateliers. Also there is a confererence hall with a capacity of 150 people and a small indoor sports saloon.

Our school aims to employ our students in the fields of industry and trade, that’s why we give education based on theoretical knowledge and professional skills at the same time. While makig our students ready to enter the labour market, we prepare our students for higher education as well.

Second Lyceum of Kalamaria

Second Lyceum of Kalalamaria is a general secondary school located in Kalamaria, a suburb of Thessaloniki situated in the east coast of Thermaikos gulf. We have 210 students aged 15-18 and 26 teachers and staff. Our school is a member of the network "Education without frontiers" since 1990, a schools’ netwotk that counts 19 members in 18 different countries of the EU at this moment. We have experience in participating and organizing many different projects in National and European level, student exchanges and international conferences. Our school has two student clubs at this time, the Art club that prepares every year a performance combining music, dance and drama, and the Technology club where students prepare STEM and Robotics projects.

Language lessons, social science and informatics-computer science are subjects that students study in every grade according to our schools' curriculum. Our students learn how to communicate and how to express their feelings in different ways using writing and speaking, ICT and social media and through arts (music, drama, dance).

Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva

Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva is located in the center of Funchal, Madeira. Escola da Levada, as it is also known, started off as a school dedicated to the 3rd cycle, and the compulsory education of nine years became a reality after April 25th, 1974, as an answer to the need for education as a constitutional right of all. From 1984 on, the school also offers secondary education. On that same year, the school had 2024 students, nearly double of the current students.

Nowadays, the school has a diverse educational offer, including the Regular Education from 5th to 12th year, the Vocational

Education and Courses of Education and Training, in order to prepare young people in our society to the work market and the future increasingly competitive, not neglecting the appreciation and respect for diversity. The School offers a structured teaching unit for

students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and includes students with other special educational needs in their classes. Almost all of the students, those who follow the regular curriculum, are full time with their classes. Those who are not able to follow the regular curriculum and have a specific curriculum designed according to their needs, are part-time and in some subjects in the class to which they belong to.

Even though the school has developed measures to fight school failure and early school leaving, which have shown some positive effects, our school intends to increasingly act on prevention, thus avoiding the significant number of retentions.

Being a school in an ultra-peripheral region, the same (being the entire educational community) is faced with a number of difficulties related to their geographical features.