
Tabling about EPA Community Update and Hotline

Date: March 25, 2022


1) Distribute and bring awareness to EPA community update regarding ammonia removal process at the Refinery

2) Raise awareness of resources for reporting experiences of harm or concern in order to demand accountability and harm reduction

3) Connect with community about their experiences living downwind of the Industrial Zone 

Reach: Over 80 community members

Participation:  8 NOI Contributors including youth and folks new to NOI

Farmer's Market Tabling with Tsehai

Stop and Shop Tabling at Stop and Shop with Ginger, Kelly, Sara, Taj, and Olivia

1:1 interactions with community members at Stop and Shop

Hotline Canvass Action

Date: October 15th, 2022


1) Raise awareness of resources for reporting experiences of harm or concern in order to demand accountability and harm reduction

2) Connect with community about their experiences living downwind of the Industrial Zone 

Reach: Over 60 homes in the Profit/Clifton Hill Area

Participation:  10 NOI Contributors including political aspirants and youth

English Version Side A

English Version Side B

Spanish Version Side A

Spanish Version Side B