
What is No Dig?

No dig is gardening without disturbing the soil. 

Instead of digging the soil, we mulch it, like a forest does. 

This can be done with compost, straw, leaves or even cardboard.

Why No Dig?

We care about our future for farming and growing food. 

Ploughing and leaving soil exposed leads to increased carbon emissions, increased water run off and loss of topsoil. 

We want to garden in a way that increases organic matter and helps the soil food web underground. On our planet everything is connected!

Can I try?

No dig gardening is for everyone. It's easy to get started and is easier than traditional methods, with much fewer weeds. 

You can watch some great videos from Charles Dowding, no dig expert, here.

You can watch our no dig learning journey on our diary page, so do keep updated and happy gardening!