How Are You?

wellness check - let's talk!

How are you doing today?

Have something happy to share? Maybe you're feeling a little stressed? Let's talk about it!

Whatever the case may be, we can get through this together!

Click the image to the left or the button underneath to go to the Wellness Check Google Form and it will go directly to me!

It's important to take care of ourselves and know how we're feeling. "Ain't no shame in the feelings game!"


tools for wellness

Life can be rough sometimes - especially now. Not only are we living during an historic pandemic, but we may have other things that are keeping us from feeling like ourselves. It can be difficult to know what to do about what we're feeling.

These are practices that have been proven to help with managing stress and helping to manage our emotions. They are helpful for everyone.

Always remember: it's ok to not feel ok! The important thing is to know how to express what you're feeling and how you can work on feeling better in a healthy way.

Wellness Tool #2: Guided imagery

Wellness Tool #3: progressive muscle relaxation

Wellness Tool #4: Grounding

Wellness Tool #5: Journaling

REMEMBER: You can use anything to create a journal! Stacks of blank paper, a spiral notebook, or a sketchbook, get creative!

Wellness tips courtesy of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Inc.