Konstantin Ivanov Intercontinental Magnetic Resonance Seminar

Zoom Meeting (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88092898049?pwd=MGhtTjlrcGRLWHhoWi9sR3VpTFl4UT09)

Day: Friday

Time: 12:00 (Berlin/Paris), 15:30 (India), 17:00 (Novosibirsk)

Konstantin Ivanov intercontinental magnetic resonance seminar series started on April 8, 2020. It organises seminars on a range of topics in magnetic resonance covering NMR, EPR, hyperpolarisation, colour centres and optical pumping, and ZULF NMR. The emphasis of the talks are on both methods and applications and a perspective on the future of the field. The speakers include a wide range of scientists ranging from PhD students to post-doctoral fellows, to senior scientists.

Upcoming Talks:

 Konstantin Ivanov intercontinental magnetic resonance seminar series is organised by Thomas Wiegand, RWTH Achen University, Germany, Gerd Buntkowsky, TU Darmstadt, Germany, Daniel Abergel, ENS Paris, France, and P. K. Madhu, TIFR Hyderabad, India. Please contact any one of the organisers if you have any suggestions for improving the seminar series and/or with names of prospective speakers.