Konstantin Ivanov Intercontinental Magnetic Resonance Seminar
Zoom Meeting (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88092898049?pwd=MGhtTjlrcGRLWHhoWi9sR3VpTFl4UT09)
Day: Friday
Time: 12:00 (Berlin/Paris), 15:30 (India), 17:00 (Novosibirsk)
Konstantin Ivanov intercontinental magnetic resonance seminar series started on April 8, 2020. It organises seminars on a range of topics in magnetic resonance covering NMR, EPR, hyperpolarisation, colour centres and optical pumping, and ZULF NMR. The emphasis of the talks are on both methods and applications and a perspective on the future of the field. The speakers include a wide range of scientists ranging from PhD students to post-doctoral fellows, to senior scientists.
Upcoming Talks:
March 7, 2025, Thibault Viennet, Aarhus University, Denmark, "Novel methods for protein NMR", Solution NMR is a powerful tool to characterize protein structure, dynamics and interactions at atomic resolution, including for disordered proteins and regions. However, challenges remain in the process for large proteins or proteins suffering from chemical exchange. I will present several novel methods we have developed in the last 5 years to tackle some of these challenges. First, I will present 15N-detected TROSY experiments yielding optimal resolution for large, disordered proteins. Second, I will discuss how to overcome issues due to chemical shift degeneracy in triple-resonance protein assignment by using selective CB decoupling, either by optimal control designed pulses or metabolic labeling. Last, I will talk about advancements in methyl TROSY and aromatic 19F-13C TROSY in terms of isotope labeling schemes and resonance assignment.
March 14, 2025, Zdeněk Tošner, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, "Advancing solid-state NMR with optimal control", Sensitivity, sensitivity, and sensitivity. Ultra-high magnetic fields and ultra-fast magic angle spinning probes brought proton detection to studies of solid proteins, with a potential to overcome the limitation of molecular size in solution-state NMR due to different T2 relaxation behavior. Multidimensionality is necessary to resolve spectral complexity and efficiency of each magnetization transfer element becomes critical. We employed optimal control methods to develop novel transverse mixing recoupling elements (TROP) and showed for the first time their usage in 3D spectroscopy. These pulse sequence blocks systematically enhance sensitivity by a factor of for each indirectly sampled spectral dimension, accelerating the acquisition of emerging 5D spectra by an order of magnitude. Our results quickly become inspiration for development of „traditional“ recoupling tractable by average Hamiltonian theories. Optimal cantrol thus opens the door to new exciting developments.
March 21, 2025, Gossert Alvar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
March 28, 2025, Ralph Adams, Univ. of Manchester, UK
April 4, 2025, Katja Petzold, Uppsala University, Sweden
April 11, 2025, Sigrid Milles, FMP, Berlin, Germany
April 18, 2025 (ICONS Anniversary Talk), Niels Chr. Nielsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
April 25, 2025, Kai Xue, NTU, Singapore
May 16, 2025, Subhradip Paul, CEA Grenoble, France
June 6, 2025, Jean-Philippe Tetienne , Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
Date to be fixed, Helen Grüninger, Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany
Konstantin Ivanov intercontinental magnetic resonance seminar series is organised by Thomas Wiegand, RWTH Achen University, Germany, Gerd Buntkowsky, TU Darmstadt, Germany, Daniel Abergel, ENS Paris, France, and P. K. Madhu, TIFR Hyderabad, India. Please contact any one of the organisers if you have any suggestions for improving the seminar series and/or with names of prospective speakers.