Common problems for NMR

1 Software closed

Go to the desktop, find the Topspin sign and open the software. The software will be like the following picture and type iconnmr in the command area and press enter to get the ICONNMR

2 Where is my data?

The data folder is usually under your PI's folder. Copy you data folders to your computer and add your data to the Topspin

3, Can I upload the parameters of an existing experiment to ICONNMR?

First, open your old data and make a new empty experiment using the same parameters

Second, with this empty experiment open, go to ICONNMR to import an experiment, and you will import the empty experiment to ICONNMR, but be sure to choose the correct position and solvent.

At last, you can edit the experiment in the ICONNMR

4 How to setup Non uniform sampling experiments

Please follow the procedure to set up experiments in ICONNMR