
To transform lives. Working with our partners, we design and deliver innovative, high quality health and human services that improve the security and promote independence for New Mexicans in their communities.

Goal 1. We Help NEW MEXICANS

Improve the value and range of services we provide to ensure every qualified New Mexican receives accurate and timely benefits.

Accountability in government act quarterly measures

Pursuant to the Accountability in Government Act (AGA), quarterly reports are required of key state agencies (such as the Human Services Department), including performance measures and targets approved for each fiscal year by the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) in consultation with the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC). These quarterly reports can be viewed here on the NM Legislature website or below.

Although many measures are included in both the Scorecard and the AGA quarterly reports, HSD developed a Department Performance Scorecard because it offers more flexibility and is an opportunity to showcase many diverse measures that tie directly to its Strategic Plan. Whereas LFC measures may be consistent across administrations, the Scorecard reflects the vision of the current administration and uses the most accurate and up-to-date methodology for data collection and reporting.

Note about viewing the data: The visualizations are best viewed on a web browser. To scroll through grouped measures, click the arrows or the gray boxes with the measure name and the corresponding graphic will display below.

Income Support Division

See other Income Support measures here and here.

Child Support Enforcement Division

See other Child Support measures here.

Medical Assistance Division

See other Medical Assistance Division measures here (behavioral health), here (families and children), and here (telemedicine, Medicaid enrollment).

Behavioral Health Services Division

See other Behavioral Health measures here.

Questions about these measures?

  • For Income Support: Contact Vida Tapia-Sanchez, Income Support Division Deputy Director of Policy & Program

  • For Child Support: Contact Betina McCracken, Acting IV-D Director, New Mexico Child Enforcement Division

  • For Medicaid: Contact Kathy Leyba, Medicaid Assistance Division Bureau, Quality

  • For Behavioral Health: Contact Neil Bowen, Director, Behavioral Health Services Division

Questions about terms used? Check the Glossary for an explanation.

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