
To transform lives. Working with our partners, we design and deliver innovative, high quality health and human services that improve the security and promote independence for New Mexicans in their communities.

Goal 1. We Help NEW MEXICANS

Improve the value and range of services we provide to ensure every qualified New Mexican receives accurate and timely benefits.

Departmental performance scorecard goal 1 measures

Child Support

  1. As an average NM child on child support, how much can I expect to receive each month?

Medicaid and SNAP

  1. As a Medicaid or SNAP applicant, what are the chances of having my non-emergency application processed within 45 days for Medicaid and 30 days for SNAP? ​

  2. As a Medicaid or SNAP applicant, what are the chances I will receive an expedited review within 7 days, if eligible for one?

  3. As Medicaid or SNAP recipient, what are the chances of having my reapplication processed within 30 days?​

  4. As a SNAP recipient, what are the chances I will receive at least as much as I should for benefits?

  5. As a SNAP recipient, what are the chances I will receive less than I should for benefits?

Access to Care: Medicaid and SNAP

  1. Compared to pre-COVID-19, how many people like me were able to receive NEW benefits each month during the pandemic?

  2. How much were monthly SNAP benefit payments for the average NM family?

  3. How many people like me are enrolled in Medicaid?

  4. How many people like me had a telemedicine visit, thanks to their Managed Care Organization (MCO) working with providers?

Medicaid Managed Care Organizations and Behavioral Health

  1. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I have a behavioral health (BH) visit with a behavioral health provider?

  2. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I have a behavioral health (BH) visit with a non-behavioral health provider?

  3. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I have a behavioral health (BH) visit with a behavioral health or a non-behavioral health provider? (total encounters)

  4. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I receive ongoing antidepressant medication management, should I need it?​

  5. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I receive treatment initiation for alcohol or other drug dependency, should I need it?​

  6. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I receive a follow-up with a mental health practitioner within 30 days after a hospitalization for mental illness?​

  7. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I receive a follow-up within 30 days after a visit to the Emergency Department for mental illness?​

  8. How good is my Managed Care Organization) at working with providers to ensure that I, as someone who takes antipsychotic medication to treat my Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder, am also provided a diabetes screening should I need it?​

Medicaid Managed Care Organizations and Family & Children

  1. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure my child will have at least 6 well-child visits by 15 months old?​

  2. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure my child will have counseling for physical activity?​

  3. I'm pregnant. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I receive the prenatal care that I need?​

  4. I'm pregnant. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure I receive the postnatal care that I need?​

  5. How good is my Managed Care Organization at working with providers to ensure my 2 year-old will have a their childhood immunizations completed?​