NewarkWOW (Workforce on Wheels)
NewarkWOW Ribbon Cutting Photos (11/29/2021)

About NewarkWOW (Workforce on Wheels)
The Mayor’s Office of Employment & Training is bringing the employment, education, and training services offered by the City of Newark to the Residents in their neighborhoods by way of the NewarkWOW (Workforce on Wheels) Mobile Unit! The NewarkWOW is a mobile unit that transports workforce professionals from NewarkWORKS throughout the City of Newark to provide information and resources on various programs, employment opportunities, and support services available to Newark Residents.
Job Placement
Vocational & Occupational Training for Adults & Youth
Work Readiness & Life Skills Training
Adult Basic Education Training & High School Equivalency
Career Counseling
Summer Youth Employment Opportunities
Supportive Services and Resource Information
Interested in hosting events on the NewarkWOW?
Complete the following request form to inquire about the availability of the Newark Workforce on Wheels Mobile Unit for events.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at