NLPaSE Program

Workshop Timings: 13.30 Hrs to 16.45 Hrs (UTC+5.30)

This year, the NLPaSE 2020 workshop will be run using the video platform Cisco WebEx. The participants/authors/speakers will receive an email with the respective WebEx meeting link and the password that is needed to join. We ask you to appropriately set up and test your computer equipment (camera, microphone)!

Workshop Schedule : 01 December 2020

13.30-13.40 Hrs

Introduction and Welcome to the NLPaSE 2020 (by Workshop chairs) - 10 minutes

13.40-14.25 Hrs

Keynote talk by Michael Felderer "Natural Language Processing in System Verification: Current Approaches and Future Directions" - 40 minutes (5 minutes for Q&A)

14.25-14.45 Hrs

Presentation: Humpback: Code Completion System for Dockerfile Based on Language Models, Kaisei Hanayama, Shinsuke Matsumoto and Shinji Kusumoto - 15 minutes (5 minutes for discussion and Q&A)

**Discussions on the research paper and talk: 10 minutes

-- Short Break of 5 minutes --

15.00-15.20 Hrs

Presentation: Recording Software Design Decisions on the Fly, Fabian Gilson, Sam Annand and Jack Steel - 15 minutes (5 minutes for discussion and Q&A)

15.20-15.40 Hrs

Presentation: Reducing Regression Test Suites using the Word2Vec Natural Language Processing Tool, Bahareh Afshinpour, Roland Groz, Massih-Reza Amini, Yves Ledru and Catherine Oriat - 15 minutes (5 minutes for discussion and Q&A)

15.40-16.25 Hrs

Keynote talk by Fabiano Dalpiaz "NLP for Requirements Engineering: Good Enough?" - 40 minutes (5 minutes for Q&A)

16.25-16.45 Hrs

Discussions on the research papers and keynote talk: 10 minutes

Discussions on the future workshop goals and takeaway from the workshops with concluding remarks - 10 minutes