Call for Papers

1st Edition of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing Advancements for Software Engineering (NLPaSE) co-located with the 27th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) 2020 calls for submission of position papers, experience reports and research papers. We are looking for contributions that enhance the knowledge towards NLP and their applications in Software Engineering and contribute to the workshop goals. We also encourage contributions that highlight challenges faced by the industry professionals while applying NLP techniques for generating/translating/processing the software artefacts. Submissions are invited in the following topics of interest include the application of NLP techniques and their advancements, but are not limited to:

  • Requirements analysis, elicitation, and tracing.

  • Automation and tool support.

  • Generating Software Artefacts by applying NLP techniques (e.g., domain models, entities, test information, test cases, etc.)

  • Bug report mining and analysis.

  • Test automation.

  • Functional and non-functional requirements categorisation.

  • Information extraction (abstraction identification, feature extraction).

  • Test information and test case generation.

  • Text mining.

  • Systematic Reviews (SLR, SMS).

  • Natural Language is a Programming Language.

  • Generation of test oracles using NLP.

  • Generating code from natural-language specifications.

Submission Categories:

NLPaSE is looking for three kinds of contributions:

  • Research Papers, including case studies, reporting on original research results on the use of NLP in the Software Engineering domain.

  • Experience Reports describing experiences in the use of NLP, challenges, and lessons learnt in the Software Engineering domain.

  • Position Papers sharing the author’s insights or proposing an original idea or an opinion on NLP Advancements for Software Engineering.

Submitted papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop Program Committee.

Page Limits (including figures, references, and appendices):

    • Research Papers & Experience Reports: maximum of eight pages

    • Position Papers: maximum of four pages

Submission Link:

Submission Instructions:

The NLPaSE 2020 workshop proceedings will be submitted to CEUR-WS for online publication (which is usually indexed by DBLP, and then by SCOPUS). The submitted paper must follow the New CEUR-ART Style Two Column format (available for both LaTeX (on Overleaf), and Word format) including figures, references, and appendices. Submitted papers will be reviewed by the workshop program committee members with respect to the overall quality including presentation, the future impact of the research, and the likely benefit to the students, academics, and professionals who will attend the workshop.

The organizers reserve the right to reject submissions (without reviews) that are not in compliance or out of scope for the workshop submissions and exceed the page limit. Information related to the workshop registration can be found on ASPEC 2020 Registration Page.

Important Dates:

    • Paper submissions due: September 30, 2020 October 11, 2020 [Extended] Closed

    • Notification of acceptance: October 25, 2020 Closed

    • Camera-ready papers due: November 15, 2020 Closed

Workshop: December 01, 2020