Mock Interviews


2023 Mock Interview Data 

Gratitude to all who took part in this year's mock interviews! Here's a link to the invaluable data from this incredible experience. Your participation made this possible—THANK YOU!

2023-2024 School Year Data

2023-2024 District Mock Interviews

Mock Interview Details

We sincerely look forward to your participation and hope to make this year's mock interviews a transformative experience for all involved. Thank you for considering our invitation!

Apply to be a Mock Interviewer

Our registration link is now available from October 2, 2023 until November 3, 2023. 

Before the Interview Session

On the day of the interviews, volunteer interviewers are provided with a folder containing all materials needed for the day. Interviewers will find a table sign with the interviewer's name and company. 

Student "applicants" are scheduled to rotate in at their assigned interview time. Interviewers will remain stationary as students show up for their "appointment".

During the Interview Session

While conducting the interviews, volunteers are asked to consider using questions from our list of Sample Interview Questions and conduct each interview as if it were real. 

Volunteers should maintain an “interviewer” persona throughout the interview session (i.e.: don’t break off interview to give tips, feedback, etc. during the interview). Interviewers are encouraged to take notes on each interviewee.

After the Interview Session

After each interview, we ask that volunteer interviewers to fill out a quick Mock Interview Metric Feedback Form for each student. 

This will not only give each student feedback on his or her resume and interview, but it may also be factored into each student’s grade on this assignment.