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Did you know?

Central Processing Unit

The processor is basically the speed of the computer.

Nearly every year, a higher generation of speed is released by Intel and AMD.

Intel's 8 generations:

The 1st Gen i7 CPU could easily compete with a 7th Gen Pentium CPU.

How to:

Reinstall OS with Windows

Burn an ISO image of Windows on a blank DVD or USB flash drive (min. 4GB) using Windows burner or Rufus Tool.

For clean installation, boot from your newly burned Windows DVD/USB flash drive by restarting your PC, going into boot menu (press F12/Esc/F2/Del/Enter at start-up), and selecting DVD ROM/USB flash drive (press any key if instructed after selection).

If the Windows logo takes a little longer than usual to start loading then you are a winner already, just follow the steps (select your country from the drop down menu, agree, choose custom installation, delete all partition until you have only one that's non-allocated space and install). Grab a coffee and a doughnut while you wait for the installation to finish.

Install Drivers

Windows 10 does this automatically through WiFi, although manual is always best (sometimes the WiFi driver isn't installed).

Check for the exact model no. (either at the bottom or in front by the screen), go to the support page of your PC's brand/manufacturer website, choose/type your model no. in search and download the necessary drivers you require (use Device Manager to check).

Be aware that the chipset driver is the most important driver to install first even though it won't show in Device Manager (your PC will never run at its full potential until this is done).

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