Niles Elementary PTA
2024-2025 Executive Board
Minimum Commitment : 1 hour meeting ( 7-8 pm ) on the 1st Tuesday of every month during the School Year / more detailed descriptions at:
Jovy Reyes Abad
Attend district Board meetings once a month (2nd Monday of the month)
Set Agenda and lead monthly PTA board meetings
Works with Treasurer to set budget for the year
Meet with principal monthly
Est Yearly Commitment: 100 hours
1st vice president
Cynthia Beck
In charge of fundraising activities
Manages Fall Cash Drive and collection site (CheddarUp or other)
Leads monthly PTA board meetings when President is not available
Helps membership chair
Est Yearly Commitment: 50 hours
2nd vice president
Abhiruchi Dakshinkar
Work with Committee chairs on programs, such as hospitality, parent ed, etc.
Volunteer list coordination for various committees
Est Yearly Commitment: 35 hours
Shawna Johnson
Document Notes from every meeting and set up approval process
Est Yearly Commitment: 2-3 hours per meeting
Austin Aranda
Disbursement of funds
Oversee ongoing PTA finances and budget, ensure adherence to the approved PTA budget
Work with the Auditor on all required documents for review
Reconcile cash accounts each month
Responsible for ensuring all tax returns are prepared and submitted to proper groups on time.
Est Yearly Commitment: 75 hours
Sanhita Gupta
Receive all money and deposit ASAP
Receive and retain copies of deposit slips for all deposits
Keep an accurate record of receipts and generate monthly financial secretary report for board meetings
Est Yearly Commitment: 30 hours
Carla Tucay/Dino Tucay
Determine the accuracy of the books and records of the financial officers
Detect and recommend correction of errors
Est Yearly Commitment: 10 hours
Ashley Alves
Counts volunteer hours from office and meetings and submits form
Documents in pictures from PTA function/events
Est Yearly Commitment: 20 hours
Agnes Toan
Read and enforce bylaws when needed
Form committee to review bylaws annually, and update every 5 years by the bylaws committee of the association, chaired by the parliamentarian