Compounding and Morphology


  • Selecting roots: the view from compounding (with Dimitris Michelioudakis - published in The Linguistic Review - available here)

Looking at the distribution of XPs with different theta-roles in Greek deverbal compounds, the paper explores the role of Roots and eventive projections in argument selection and argument licensing. It proposes that Roots are responsible for argument selection whereas argument licensing takes place at the higher eventive projections.


  • PP licensing and Compounding: Evidence for Prepositions as probes (with Dimitris Michelioudakis - published in Rivista di Grammatica Generativa - available here)

Using evidence from morphology, this paper proposes that prepositions are merged on the spine separately from their surface complements and that they attract their surface complement instead of merging directly with it.


  • The Syntactic Status of N-Incorporation in De-verbal Compounds: Synchronic and Diachronic Evidence. (with Dimitris Michelioudakis - published in Studies in Greek Linguistics - available here)

We explore the role of the headedness parameter in the formation of deverbal compounds e.g. truck driver. Using data from Homeric, Classical, Hellenistic and Modern Greek, we show that the internal word order in deverbal compounds is gradually changing from OV to VO from Homeric to Classical Greek following a grammatical change from OV to VOin the default word order at the phrasal level in these two periods. We take this fact to show that the internal structure of morphological formations is transparent to the syntactic mechanisms deriving word order at the phrasal level. Based on this finding, we argue against lexicalist accounts of compounding and present a purely syntactic one.