Slip boundary conditions

"Two local slip modes at the liquid-liquid interface over liquid-infused surfaces"

L. Ren, H. Hu, L. Bao, N.V. Priezjev, J. Wen, L. Xie, Physics of Fluids 34, 082017 (2022) pdf

"The local slip length and flow fields over nanostructured superhydrophobic surfaces"

L. Bao, N.V. Priezjev, H. Hu, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 126, 103258 (2020) pdf

"A comparative analysis of the effective and local slip lengths for liquid flows over a trapped nanobubble"

H. Hu, D. Wang, F. Ren, L. Bao, N.V. Priezjev, J. Wen, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 104, 166-173 (2018) pdf, suppl. info. 

"Identifying two regimes of slip of simple fluids over smooth surfaces with weak and strong wall-fluid interaction energies"

H. Hu, L. Bao, N.V. Priezjev, K. Luo, Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 034701 (2017) pdf

"Interfacial friction between semiflexible polymers and crystalline surfaces"

N.V. Priezjev, Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 224702 (2012) pdf, DFD 2013 talk 

"Fluid structure and boundary slippage in nanoscale liquid films"

N.V. Priezjev, chapter 16 in the book "Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology", International Water Association (IWA) Publishing (2012) pdf, slip fluid structure seminar 

"The effective slip length and vortex formation in laminar flow over a rough surface"

A. Niavarani and N.V. Priezjev, Physics of Fluids 21, 052105 (2009) pdf, DFD 2008 talk 

"Slip boundary conditions for shear flow of polymer melts past atomically flat surfaces"

A. Niavarani and N.V. Priezjev, Physical Review E 77, 041606 (2008) pdf

"Effect of surface roughness on rate-dependent slip in simple fluids"

N.V. Priezjev, Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 144708 (2007) pdf, APS 2007 talk 

"Rate-dependent slip boundary conditions for simple fluids"

N.V. Priezjev, Physical Review E 75, 051605 (2007) pdf

"Molecular origin and dynamic behavior of slip in sheared polymer films"

N.V. Priezjev and S.M. Troian, Physical Review Letters 92, 018302 (2004) pdf