Booking Policy

For us to work together, you will need to be patient and follow my process.

The first step is an introductory consultation. 

My consultations are $100/ half hr.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with me, please start by selecting the preferred date of consultation on the right side of the screen. Then follow the prompts until the end. You will be required to pay the deposit in order to complete the booking process.

Once I receive your deposit, I will contact you with confirmation & invoice.

I’m available days, evenings, and weekends, between the hours of 9am-8pm est.

Deposit policy: Deposits can be transferred twice for reschedules, with a minimum 24 hours notice. Deposit can be applied to rescheduled date within 30 days of original appointment. If a new date is not made within 30 days, the deposit is forfeited and you will need to send a new deposit to initiate the booking process.

Reservation and Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours' notice, the deposit is applied to that appointment date. If you give me enough notice so that I can schedule something else, I’ll apply your payment to a rescheduled date (see more policy details at the bottom of this page).

Once you are established and we have developed a rapport, cash at the time of the appointment is fine (and preferred). If you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours' notice, I will expect payment for that appointment before we schedule another one.

However, If I am unable to make the appointment, I will let you know as soon as I know, we can reschedule or your deposit can be refunded to you in full within 48 hours of cancellation.

The reason behind this policy:

This ensures that you are serious about seeing me, and prevents my time from being wasted.

I receive multiple inquiries daily, and I accommodate as many of them as I can. I operate professionally and am reliable. I am an open-minded & open-hearted woman. I am very accessible and public, which allows people to get to know me on an intimate level. I put it ALL out there.

When someone new contacts me, I don’t know them at all, but I take their request seriously and go out of my way to help them address whatever topics or issues they may have. When an appointment gets canceled on short notice, my time is wasted. Not only that, but this is what I do for a living, and I’m forgoing time with my loved ones and friends in order to meet with people I don’t know. I WANT to know you, so let’s make it happen!

I operate on mutual respect, which is a key quality for developing healthy relationships. Confidentiality is assured.

Thank you!

Deposit policy: Deposits can be transferred twice for reschedules, with a minimum 24 hours notice. Deposit can be applied to rescheduled date within 30 days of original appointment. If a new date is not made within 30 days, the deposit is forfeited and you will need to send a new deposit to initiate the booking process.