My Mission

I am here on this planet to embody bliss and help others do the same.

My Vision

I see a future where a new paradigm around sex and relationships is possible. Where no one is ashamed of their body or their desire. What can we be to make it a reality?

My Work

I empower individuals to release shame, find their erotic authenticity and share that with partners. I coach on body positivity, kink, tantra, ethical non-monogamy and overcoming sexual abuse and/or trauma. I can energetically reverse premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. I work with couples to help them find commonality where there is libido imbalance and sexual distance. I can help you rekindle the sparks in a long-term relationship, or start a new relationship off with honesty about your needs and wants.

How I got here

I grew up in Parkersburg, WV in the 90's. By all accounts, I was a beautiful outgoing child in every home movie, I was always singing and dancing. I was smart. (I still am!)

When I was 26 years old, I started working as a sex worker. My pictures and movies after that are not so joyful. After many years of working on myself, I know now that a part of me went underground. I started thinking that my only value in the world was as a sex object. Sex became the coin of the realm, and I traded it to buy love, attention and safety. Sex was something to be good at for other people, not something to enjoy myself.

I wasn’t happy. I used too much. I started hating myself for what I had become.

Fast forward to my early thirties. I have given up drugs. An awakening came one night, as my late fiance was enthusiastically going at it on top of me, and I was lying there numb. Sex was not fun, and I was checked out mentally and emotionally during it. Where had the joy gone? After he committed suicide, I committed to making my pleasure and sex life a top priority. I discovered Lafayette Morehouse  and their research into expanding sexual potential through female orgasm. These are the folks that invented the One Hour Orgasm! I continued to work on myself, and the obstacles and implants that I had to experiencing self-love, the love of another, and GREAT SEX.

The Results

I have taken the journey i am inviting you into. As I have given myself permission to embrace and embody my Sexual Authenticity, I have had these results:

You can have in-person sessions with me here, or via phone or webcam anywhere in the world.

Click here to schedule your 1 hour Consultation