
Grant chair, Workshop Reinforcement learning for Stochastic Networks (2024)ENSEEIHT, Toulouse

Board member, Young KWG (2022-present).Royal Dutch Mathematical Society.

Chair, PhD & Postdoc Council (2020-2023).Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam.

Editor, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (2020-2023).Quarterly journal of the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society, editor of News & Calender.

Member, NETWORKS Educational Committee (2021-2023).Organization of the Ph.D.-programme for the NETWORKS consortium.

LNMB-programme for Ph.D. students in the Mathematics of Operations Research (2019-2021).Courses: Algorithmic Methods in Queueing Theory, Advanced Topics in Stochastic Operations Research, Markov Decision Processes, Noncooperative Games, Randomized Algorithms, Robust Optimization, Algorithmic Game Theory.

Co-organizor, Stochastics Seminar  (2020-2021).Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam.

Session chair:Young European Queueing Theorists Workshop, Eurandom (2021)European Conference on Operational Research, Aalto University (2022)

Outreach:De wereld als groot netwerk. Talk for Leve de Wiskunde. University of Amsterdam (2021).Predicting optimal routes in unpredictable networks. Article for The Network pages (2021).Mathematics and algorithms: finding the best route on a network. Masterclass NETWORKS goes to school. NETWORKS (2023).