Race & Racism
and our Kids

Thursday, April 15, 2021 * 7:00pm to 8:15pm

Let's Talk about Race & Racism

It can be hard to talk to your children about racism. Some parents worry about exposing their children to issues like racism and discrimination at an early age.

Others shy away from talking about something they themselves might not fully understand or don’t feel comfortable discussing. Yet others, especially those who have experienced racism, simply do not have such choices.

Conversations about racism and discrimination will look different for each family. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, the science is clear: the earlier parents start the conversation with their children the better.

Learn about other cultures

This 75-minute workshop is a conversation about race and how families can talk about racism with our kids, including anti-racism and inclusion awareness.

Please pre-register to join this important conversation

Jane Drew, Certified Inclusion Professional

Jane Drew is a Certified Canadian Inclusion Professional, with a focus on cultural diversity and inclusive personal awareness. Most of her workshops will provide participants with the opportunity to uncover the key concepts of bias, stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination and lead them into an understanding of how these can lead to both individual and institutional acts of racism.

Ms. Drew works in Fort St John which is a rural community in Northern British Columbia that is rapidly growing in cultural diversity The focus on the regional issues of diversity are supported within the School District 60 settlement Program framework, to assist newcomers/immigrant families settle and thrive in the community.