Projects & Advocacy

​A number of parents have formed committees to improve the student experience and safety at Nightingale. We currently have several areas:

  1. Active Transportation works with the City of Vancouver and school on improving safety in the neighbourhood around our school to encourage walking and cycling to school

  2. Seismic Upgrades for our school are planned; we are investigating the installation of an early warning system in the meantime

  3. Out of School Care: as a growing community we work with partners in the area to help with more sustainable options for before and after school care.

More information and updates can be found below. If you have questions or would like to join a committee, please email

Active Transportation

Two week-long events will encourage year-long non-automobile ways of getting to school:

  • Walk and Wheel to School (October)

  • Bike to School Week (May)

We are looking for parent volunteers to help staff a sticker board to track our school’s progress and be part of an initiative across all schools for biking, walking or rolling to school. Email if you can help out!

The City of Vancouver Active Transportation initiative has received great input from surveys and in-classroom data. The plan will be available in September 2018: our PAC is working closely to ensure parent input is present for safe commutes to school. A list of initiatives​ for short-term and long-term fixes has been compiled.

Nightingale is proposed for a 2021/22 Seismic Mitigation Program (click here), but this has to fully be approved and a project defined. Our priorities on seismic upgrades are as follows:

  1. Arrange a VSB presentation on the capital plan and earthquake preparedness

  2. Continue to press for an early warning system

  3. Look into getting a quote from a consultant to assess the non structural hazards in high use areas (i.e., book shelves and ceilings/lighting)

  4. Request to observe the shakeout (i.e. inside the school) so we as a PAC can identify areas where we can help

Committee: The committee is focusing on the following three areas:

  1. Investigate the early warning system

  2. Advocate for early warning & seismic upgrade

  3. Mitigate any potential harm by employing solutions with a structural engineer (i.e securing potential hazardous materials in the school)​​

DRAFT Seismic Process Document​

Out of School Care

If you are looking for licensed care please go to the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House website.

Kivan Boys & Girls Club also offers activities after school: (

Parents have expressed concern about availability of space for licensed childcare. If you are looking for space please go to

Additionally, parents have posted needs for sharing in duties/costs: please do so on the private Facebook group for Nightingale PAC or e-mail