What is Literature?(After M.A)

My metaphor is Elephant 

The elephant can be a powerful metaphor for literature, as it represents the vastness and complexity of the human experience that literature seeks to explore and illuminate.

Like an elephant, literature can be big and unwieldy, encompassing a range of perspective, voice, and themes. It can be both majestic and awe- moving at times.

In many ways, literature is like an elephant in the room, representing the issues and concern but may be reluctant to confront directly. It can be a powerful force for change, challenging our assumptions and opening our mind to new ways of thinking and seeing the world.

Just as an elephant is composed of many different parts, literature is made up of many different genres, style, and approaches. From poetry to prose, from drama to memoir, literature offers a range of forms that allow us to explore the human experience in all its richness and diversity.

 The elephant is a commonly used metaphor in English literature, and it can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the context and author's intention. Here are a few possible interpretation: 

1, Strength and power:  The elephant is know for its strength and size, so it can be used as a metaphor for character of themes that embody these qualities. For example, in George Orwell's " Shooting an Elephant," the protagonists struggle to shoot the elephant can be read as a metaphor for the power dynamics between colonisers and the colonized.

Intelligence and memory: Elephant are also known for their intelligence and exceptional memory, so they can be used as a symbol for character or themes that embody these qualities. For example, in Rudyard Kipling 's "The Elephant's Child," the curious elephant who asks questions and learns from his experience can seen as a symbol for the power of curiosity and knowledge.

Endangered Species: In contemporary literature, elephant are often used as a metaphor for endangered Species and the importance of conservation efforts. For example,in Jodi Picoult's "Leaving Time," the search for a missing elephant becomes a metaphor for the search for truth and justice.

Ultimately , the elephant as a metaphor for literature reminds us that while the written word may be big and intimidating, it is also a source of wonder and beauty that has the power to transform us and our understanding of the world around us.