How Literature Shaped Me?

As I approach the end of my five year journey of studying literature, I reflect on how much I have learned and grown. My immersion in the world of literature has transformed me, both in my thinking and my perspective on life. Through my experience, I have become a different person altogether. Literature has had a profound impact on me, experience my mind and broadening my vision of the world.

Although I have studied literature for five years, it was not until my Master 's degree that the texts and theories truly impacted and molded me. During my B.A, I did not feel a strong connection to literature, likely due to the atmosphere of my college. However, there were still some works that resonated with me deeply, such as certain short stories that provoked thought and imparted valuable life lessons. Despite not fully realising it at the time, literature has played a significant role in shaping me as a person.

In my college time I am not able to see things like today I see things from a different perspective. I have no interest in watching movies. But now watching movies it not just part of entertainment but see the movie from the angle of film studies. So that is one more important thing I learned.

Reading literature can be compared to taking painkillers because it has a calming effect on humans and help to alleviate stress and anxiety. It is well know fact that immersing oneself in a good book can have a positive impact on mental well- being. By engaging with literature, we are able to break down own culture, personal history and identity. This enables us to connect more deeply with others and gain a greater understanding of the emotions, struggles, and wonders that underlie human experience.

I am proud to say that literature has had a profound impact on me, shaping me into the person I am today. This influence continues to literature throughout my life. Studying literature has given me deeper understanding of its true meaning, and it has also set me apart from others in terms of my thoughts and perspective.