As an ecologist interested in conservation biology, I am deeply interested in understanding how global changes (e.g. land-use conversions, climate modifications, species introduction) affect the functioning of biological diversity, and in seeking options for long-term sustainable relationships between human societies and nature.

Through my PhD thesis and multiple postdocs, I have investigated a wide array of ecological communities and looked into their responses to environmental changes, such as agricultural intensification, urbanisation, interannual variations in precipitations or introduction of exotic species.

Since my PhD, I have a strong interest in plant-pollinator interactions and the delivery of pollination services in agricultural lands. Ecosystem engineering is yet another crucial ecological force that I looked into during my postdoc in Laura Prugh's lab (University of Washington). How biodiversity cope with urbanisation also is one of my main research question, and I am currently involved in the European project Bioveins. In September 2020, I started an associate professor position at the Université de Poitiers in the Ecologie et Biologie des Interactions lab'. In this new research environment, I will integrate new facets to my research: terrestrial isopods (woodlice), their conservation, the role they play in and for agrosystems. Most interestingly, I will also investigate the interactions between woodlice and the alpha Proteobacteria Wolbachia pipientis. This endosymbiont has a feminizing effect in terrestrial isopods: when infecting a genetic male, it turns it into a functional female!

In addition to classical data collection and field work in ecology, I am particularly keen on nature-based Citizen Science, a partnership between researchers and volunteers who engage in monitoring biodiversity to better understand and protect nature. At the begining of my PhD, I took part in starting the Photographic survey of flower visitors (Spipoll): witnessing how the community of volunteers grew and organized itself (with or without us :-) ) was amazing! In 2020, the Spipoll will be celebrating its 10 years ! Besides, I also have the chance to be involved in BirdLab, the Garden Butterfly Observatory, Vigie-Chiro, STOC, or Vigie-Flore.