Published / in press:

Austin N, Apold V. Mapping provincial variation in Canadian access to assisted reproduction: data, trends, and future directions. In press. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2023.

Austin N, Rudoler D, Allin S, Dolovich L, Glazier R, Grudniewicz A, Martin E, Sirois C, Strumpf E. Team-based primary care reforms and older adults: a descriptive assessment of sociodemographic trends and prescribing endpoints in two Canadian provinces. 2023. BMC Primary Care. 24(7): 1-11.

Austin N. Medication abortion: a perfect solution? Health Services Research. 2022; 

Strumpf E, Lang A, Austin N, Derksen S, Bolton J, Brownell M, Chateau D, Gregory P, Heaman M. Population prevalence and clinical, social, and health care use predictors of miscarriages: an analysis of administrative health data. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2021;21(1):1-9. 

Austin N, Strumpf E, Rudoler D, Allin S, Sirois C, Dolovich L, Guay H, Martin M. Regard sur l’usage des médicaments en soins et services de première ligne au Québec chez les personnes âgées inscrites à un médecin qui pratique en GMF : polypharmacie, prescription potentiellement inappropriée et effets indésirables des médicaments de 2005-2006 à 2017-2018. Québec, QC: INESSS; 2021. In press.

Austin N, Harper S. Quantifying the impact of targeted regulation of abortion provider laws on US abortion rates: a multi-state assessment. Contraception. 2019 Nov 1;100(5):374-9.

Austin N, Harper S. Constructing a longitudinal database of targeted regulation of abortion providers laws. Health Services Research. 2019 Oct;54(5):1084-9.

Carabali M, Austin N, King N, Kaufman J. Zika and abortion in Latin America. BMC Global Health Research and Policy. 2018 May: 3:15

 Austin N, Harper S. Assessing the impact of TRAP laws on abortion and women’s health in the USA: a systematic review. BMJ Sex Reprod Health. 2018 Apr;44(2):128-34.

McAlpine L, Austin N. Humanities PhD graduates: Desperately seeking careers? Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 2018;48(2):1-9.

Harper, S, Austin N, Nandi, A. Daycare and women’s health, social, and economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: Systematic review and evidence synthesis. ISID GrOW Research Series. 2017 Sep(7). Available at: 

Austin N, Harper S, Strumpf E. Estimating the impact of racial residential segregation on birth weight: An instrumental variable approach. Epidemiology. 2016 Sep;27(5):682-9.

Austin N, Harper S, Kaufman J, Hamra G. Challenges in reproducing results from publicly available data: an example of sexual orientation and cardiovascular disease risk. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2016 Aug;70(8):807-12.

Richardson, R., Westley, T., Gariépy, G., Austin, N., & Nandi, A. Neighborhood socioeconomic conditions and depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. 2015: 1-16.


Selected presentations

Austin N, Webb M, Karim S, Strumpf E. (2023 – accepted). Advancing difference-in-differences methods for unpoolable data. Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB) Annual Meeting, Halifax NS. [Oral presentation]

Austin N, Thapar V. (2023 – accepted). Assisted reproduction in Canada: mapping the policy landscape and assessing population-level effects. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, United States.

Mehrabadi A, Keyes K, Austin N. (2023 - accepted). It's personal: navigating research questions that stem from our lived experiences. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, United States. [Oral presentation/panelist] 

Austin N.  Shifts in assisted reproduction coverage and trends in Canadian fertility/births: an exploratory analysis. (2022).  Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States.

Austin N, Beccia A, Dowdy D, Markus J, Hajat A, Loukissas J. (2022). Into the void or into the light? Mastering the art of science communication. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States. [Session co-chair]

Austin N, Harper S. (2020). Do TRAP laws close abortion clinics?  Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, United States. [Oral presentation]

Stolzenberg-Solomon R, Austin N, Lash T, Schisterman E, Snyder C, Platz E. (2020). Changes in Academic Publishing and Peer Review. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, United States. [Session co-chair]

Austin N. (2018). STI rates and changes in publicly-funded reproductive health clinics. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, United States. 

Austin N, O’Campo P, Oakes M, Wilson S, Fox M. (2018). Does involving the community compromise objectivity? In symposium session: Advocacy vs science: The inherent tensions in community engagement in epidemiologic research. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, United States. [Session co-chair & panelist]

Austin N, Harper S. (2017). Assessing the impact of TRAP laws on abortion rates and women's health: a systematic review. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States. 

Austin, N. (2017). TRaCE summary: pilot findings. Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) annual meeting. Toronto, ON, Canada. [Invited roundtable]

Austin N, Harper S. (2017). Assessing the impact of TRAP laws on abortion rates and women's health: a systematic review. Population Association of America (PAA) 2017 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States. [Oral presentation] 

Austin N, Harper S. (2017). Assessing the impact of TRAP laws on abortion rates and women's health: a systematic review. EBOH Research Day, Montreal, QC 

Austin N, Harper S. (2016). TRAP laws and US abortion rates: assessing the impact of supply-side abortion restrictions. Partnerships, Policy and Progress: Healthy Lives for Women, Children and Adolescents Worldwide, Montreal, Canada

Austin N, Harper S. (2016). TRAP laws and abortion rates: Do restrictions matter? Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, United States 

Austin N, Harper S. (2016). TRAP laws and abortion rates: Do restrictions matter? EBOH Research Day, Montreal, QC 

Austin N, Harper S, Kaufman JS, Hamra G. (2016). Challenges in reproducing results from publicly available data: an example of sexual orientation and cardiovascular disease risk. Population Association of America (PAA) 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States 

Austin N, Harper S. (2016). TRAP laws and abortion rates: Do restrictions matter? Population Association of America (PAA) 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States 

Austin N, Harper S, Strumpf E. (2015). Estimating the impact of racial residential segregation on birth weight: an instrumental variable approach. EBOH 50th Anniversary Conference, Montreal, Canada

Austin N, Harper S, Strumpf E. (2014). Estimating the impact of racial residential segregation on birth weight: an instrumental variable approach. Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) 2014 Annual Meeting, Seattle, United States