Teaching Materials

Summary of Teaching Materials

UPDATE Fall 2022: MAT 296 Calculus II Course Materials have been added to this page.

This page contains a representative sample of teaching materials I have written over the years. Materials from courses I have taught at SU can be found in the drop-down menu of the Teaching Materials subpage in the order: MAT 221, MAT 286, MAT 285, MAT 295. (There are also buttons at the top of the page to each of these courses.) I include syllabi, course webpages, quizzes and exams with solutions, handouts, lecture notes, and recitation notes. More material from MAT 221 and MAT 286 are included as I have taught these courses more than once. Here are several things to note.

1. More than one Syllabi is included for MAT 221 and MAT 286 to show how my syllabus writing has improved.

2. I include images of Blackboard course webpages to exhibit how I organize links and course materials for students' ease of navigation on Blackboard.

3. In materials for MAT 286, I include lecture notes covering “Section 7.3: Area and the Definite Integral” from Fall 2020 followed by lecture notes on the same section from Spring 2022 to demonstrate how I refine and reorganize past notes to deliver a more effective lecture. A comparison between these lecture notes also demonstrates an improvement in penmanship. Other lecture notes from MAT 221 and MAT 286 are included to exhibit my usual lecture organization and preparation. Ever since SU switched mode of instruction to online half-way through the Spring 2020 semester, I have posted all my lecture notes as PDFs on Blackboard for my students.

4. I include quizzes and exams with solutions that I have written and posted on Blackboard from previous semesters. I write solutions so that students can learn from them as well as have an idea of what a model solution receiving full credit looks like.

5. Typed handouts, worksheets, and supplementary notes as well as select problems for recitation are included to demonstrate the substantial amount of time spent preparing class material to optimize student learning.

6. For courses that were taught completely online or where quizzes/exams were administered online, I recorded introduction videos covering the syllabus, how to navigate Blackboard, and how to take quizzes/exams via Blackboard. In addition to recorded introduction videos, I administered a practice quiz/exam where students were required to print out the practice quiz/exam, acknowledge that they have watched and understood all introduction videos by signing their signature on it, and then upload the signed practice quiz/exam back onto Blackboard. (I did this immediately after SU switched online half-way through the Spring 2020 semester so that students were prepared to take Exam 3 online.)

Much of what I learned regarding use of technology in the classroom is from Dr. Thomas John, Dr. Jeffrey Meyer, and Dr. Leonid Kovalev. I am very grateful for their suggestions and help.