Teaching History & Responsibilities

Teaching History at SU Data.pdf

Teaching Responsibilities at Syracuse University

Instructor of Record (MOI: In-person, Hybrid, and Online)

  • Write course syllabi

  • Prepare and deliver lectures (in-person and online via Zoom or Blackboard Collab. Ultra)

  • Hold office hours (in person and online via Zoom or Blackboard Collab. Ultra)

  • Answer student questions via email

  • Write quizzes, midterm exams, final exams, handouts (e.g., supplementary notes and in-class worksheets) using document preparation/typesetting system LaTeX

  • Organize all course materials on Blackboard

  • Administer and proctor quizzes and exams (in-person and online via Zoom or BB Collab Ultra)

  • Grade quizzes and exams, update student grades in gradebooks on BB/Excel

  • Compute students’ final letter grades and enter them on Myslice

Recitation Leader (MOI: In-person and Online)

  • Lead recitation sections: prepare and review select problems during recitation; answer student questions (in person and online via Zoom or BB Collab Ultra)

  • Hold office hours (in person and online via Zoom or BB Collab Ultra)

  • Answer student questions via email

  • Write quizzes and handouts (e.g. supplementary notes and in-class worksheets) using document preparation/typesetting system LaTeX

  • Organize recitation material on Blackboard

  • Administer and grade quizzes, update quiz grades in gradebook on BB/Excel, compute final quiz grades

  • Fulfill grading duties for midterm and final exams (TAs for the same course usually graded together after each exam.)

Other TA Responsibilities

  • Fulfill 2nd year Math Clinic duty: be available in the Math Clinic 1-2 hours per week to assist students in undergraduate mathematics courses

  • Assist course supervisors in proctoring exams for large sections in lecture halls

  • Administer and proctor final exam for a large section in lecture hall (with another TA, Fall 2019, Fall 2021)

  • Fulfill responsibilities as a graduate student (complete core coursework/electives, pass Preliminary and Qualifying exams)