Past Research

I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO, in the Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) Joint Numerical Testbed (JNT). I was working with a group interrogating the current generations of physics suites in the Unified Forecast System (UFS) framework. Particularly, I was investigating the track error seen in this system for Hurricane Barry, which hit the Louisiana coast in July 2019, and utilizing this storm as a way of identifying ways to improve these physics suites for ongoing development for UFS.

This work was published in MDPI Atmosphere in 2023:

I was also working with the USGS/NCAR CONUS404 project, tasked with producing a 40 year, 4km resolution (404) reanalysis dataset to force the USGS water models as well as other applications.  In particular, my responsibility was to perform verification of the production run snow cover and radiative forcing with various observational datasets, as well as implement improvements in the land surface model such as a time varying vegetative forcing and LULC (land use, land cover) changes for use in future iterations of CONUS404.

This work was published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society in 2023: