Selected publications

2023. Incorporating air temperature into mid-term electricity load forecasting models using time-series regressions and neural networks. With Carlo Fezzi and Francesco Ravazzolo. Energy  127831 .

2021. Does green innovation damage financial  performance of oil and gas companies? With Tonje M Aastvedt and Li Lu. Resources Policy 73.

2021. Financial stress and basis in energy markets. With Maryam Ahmadi, Juha Junttila and Matteo Manera. The Energy Journal 42(5).

2020. The theory of storage in the crude oil futures market, the role of financial conditions. With Maryam Ahmadi and Matteo Manera. Journal of Futures Markets 40(7). 

2019.  Understanding dynamic conditional correlations between oil, natural gas and non-energy commodity futures markets. With Matteo Manera and Macella Nicolini. The Energy Journal 40(2).

2016. How is volatility in commodity markets linked to oil price shocks?  With Maryam Ahmadi and Matteo Manera. Energy Economics 59.

2015. The role of outliers and oil price shocks on volatility of metal prices. With Matteo Manera. Resources Policy 46(2).

2014. The linkage between crude oil and economic  growth in Latin America: a panel framework investigation in multiple regions. With Jose Ramos Pires Manso. Energy 72.

2013.  How crude oil consumption impacts on  economic growth of Sub-Saharan Africa? With Jose Ramos Pires Manso. Energy 54.

2012. Crude oil conservation policy hypothesis in  OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries: a multivariate panel  Granger causality test.  With Jose Ramos Pires Manso. Energy 43.

2012. Does Portuguese economy support crude oil conservation hypothesis? Energy Policy 45.

Working papers

Works in progress