Nemesis & Brandt Agree

This will be a short follow up to the two earlier posts. My theory is that Nemesis are able to inhibit the recursion of Niantic simulacra because they control ABADN. And if they have control, they could then:

  1. destroy the bodies of the researchers in the chambers or;
  2. remove the bodies to disrupt the link to the portal network thus preventing the simulacra shards from recursing.

Regardless the choice Nemesis make, DIDACT and Brandt hold the same theory. In order to stop a simulacrum recursion or perhaps even destroy it, the original body of the simulacrum needs to be eradicated or at least, I think, removed from its Abaddon chamber. If it's the former, I truly fear for the lives of the Niantic researchers. My hope is that Resistance and Enlightened agents will work together to save them.

The last thing I want to say is highly contentious and speculative. If both DIDACT and Brandt think the same way, could it be possible perhaps they are the same person?