tesla and pigeons

I found it intriguing through my research on hydroelectric generation along the Niagara River that Nikola Tesla was a lover of pigeons. This page showcases some further reading and resources to learn more about the eccentric inventor and innovator, as well as additional video from artist Duke Riley that combines digital storytelling with art, light, and pigeons.


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In the following video, artist Duke Riley says, "A lot of people probably don’t spend much time looking at the natural environment around them." While I think this has been true for me at certain points in my life, it’s not now. My eyes are constantly searching for something wonderful around me, I don’t wear headphones when I’m walking or exercising outdoors, because I don’t want to miss a bird call or the leaves rustling. For people living in urban areas, the pigeon is likely one of the most common birds they encounter, and this video is absolutely stunning.