Working Experience:

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 8/2022 - now

  • (Tenure-track) Assistant Professor

University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. 8/2020 - 6/2022

  • Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant.

Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. 8/2017 - 8/2020

  • Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant.

VietNam National University of Science, Viet Nam. 1/2016 -8/ 2017

  • Lecturer.


University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. 2020 - 2022

  • Ph.D. Student in Mathematics, Advisor: Prof. Gang George Yin.

Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. 2017-2020

  • M.A. in Mathematical Statistics, Advisor: Prof. Gang George Yin.

VietNam National University of Science, Viet Nam. 2011 - 2015

  • B.S. in Mathematics (Talented Program)

Nguyen Trai Specialized and Gifted High School, Viet Nam. 2008 - 2011

Honors and Awards

Early-Career stage

  • AMS-Simons Travel Grant

Graduate Level

Undergraduate and High School Level

  • First Prize, Student Research Workshop, VietNam National University of Science, 2015.

  • Bronze medal in IMC 2013- International Mathematics Competition for University Students, Bulgaria, 2013. (This Competition is organized by University College London and hosted by the American University in Bulgaria)

  • Semester Scholarships for excellent student, Vietnam National University of Science (2011-2015).

  • Nguyen Van Dao scholarship ($9,900) by FPT university in 2011. (However, I declined to attend VNU of Science).

  • Vietnam National Mathematical Contest for high school students (Second Prize 2011, Third Prize 2010).

  • Northern-Vietnam Mathematical Contest for students in gifted high schools (First Prize 2009, 2010).

  • Odon Vallet Scholarship, 2010