October 2022

NHD2 Little League

District Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2022


Present on Zoom: Jon Sebasco [LR; ADA], Derek Mercier [Concord], Nik Uhlir [Portsmouth], Scott Finegold [TNLL], John Kneeland [NMHLL], Julie Derderian [Rye], Sarah Fuller [Somersworth], Matt Petersons [Suncook], Jeff Ross [UIC], Tom Wainwright [AUIC], Kathie Lynch [DA]


Kathie called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm and introductions were completed with returning and new presidents.  Tom Wainwright noted that Francis Rowley, Laconia Little League president, was traveling and unable to join the call.  Julie Derderian shared that Rye Little League is currently sharing president duties between herself and Sav Huskey as the league transitions its membership.


Kathie reminded all leagues that September 30 is the end of the fiscal year for any league under the LLI 501(c)(3) umbrella. Financial reports will be due to the State of NH and LLI by December 31 and to the IRS by February 15.  If you so request, she will review your financial reports but it is not necessary to submit any financial reports to the district.


The current balance in the NHD2 account is $2183.34 with expenditures in the last 6 months for banners/pins for districts and pins for the Concord NH championship team. Kathie will submit the district financial report to LLI and the NH State report as required.


Rules passed by the 2022 Congress were shared and discussed. These rules go into effect for the 2023 season.  We are still waiting to learn if additional rules will be added/altered/deleted and the status of the operating recommendations – those reports should be available by late November/early December following the November meeting of the LLI Board and Directors and administrative staff.


Umpire shortages were discussed with strategies to increase volunteer umpire numbers in the district and state. Jeff reminded that umpires should consider registering with the LLI umpire registry to stay current.  Online application is now open for regional and world series umpire requests and the process closes on November 15, 2022.  A discussion about local/state umpire clinics was held – some leagues are now recruiting junior umpires and a clinic devoted to this age group as well as to adult umpires was discussed for late winter/early spring.  Jeff will contact and work with the D1-UIC as well as other contacts to plan a clinic.  Jeff requested that all league presidents send him contact information for their UIC [once known] and indicate if the league is using paid or volunteer umpires.


The intermediate division and its growth was discussed.  In 2023 Concord hopes to field 2 intermediate teams and both LR and NMH are planning on an intermediate team and possible a junior team.  Discussion around schedules and opportunities will be kept on the agenda as the 2023 season approaches.  Kathie noted that D2 hosts states this year and that opens the possibility for hosting both the Intermediate and Junior League State tournament.


Chartering for the 2023 season is open; presidents were reminded to update the Data Center with the 2023 officers, pay any outstanding balances, complete the charter, and consider getting the Safety Plan started during the off-season.


A partnership with the Positive Coaching Alliance [PCA] on a district wide basis was discussed. Should the district partner it would be best to enter a 3-year contract [$4400 for 1 year vs $3600/year for a 3-year contract] to reduce league costs.  The contract would provide 3 in-person workshops/year that would be rotated to different district hubs [Seacoast/Lakes Region/Manchester-Concord] as well as online and support access. Nik Uhlir strongly recommended the partnership based on long term experience with PCA in Portsmouth and others who attended workshops were supportive.  Kathie noted that should the district enter into a 3-year contract the cost per league would be $400/year.  She asked all presidents to go back to their Boards and discuss this financial commitment and report back by December 1 on approval status.  Once all leagues have reported she will follow-up based on results.


Presidents were reminded about the process for waivers [out of boundary], combining leagues, combined teams, and interleague play and encouraged to act on waivers early and to send Kathie an email when approval is needed on the data center for a submitted waiver request of any type.


The Diamond Leader Training program was explained, and leagues are encouraged to have coaches and volunteers sign up for this program with a goal to improve players’ Little League baseball experience.


A request for an interested volunteer to work with Sam Ranck on league development was shared.  This volunteer does not need to be a league president or Board member but anyone who has in interest in increasing participation in Little League.


Preliminary planning for 2023 tournament began. Lamprey River is interested in hosting districts and states [8-10 and 10-12 divisions] and Kathie indicated that opportunities may also be present for 9-11, intermediate, and junior division state tournaments.  Presidents were positive on the format used in 2022 and that format will continue for district tournament in 2023.


Next meeting will be held in December to finalize a partnership with PCA if so indicated and discuss the outcome of the November LLI Board meeting and any impact on league function – date TBD.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathie Lynch