
Current Working Papers

We produce estimates of the full distribution of all national income in Australia for the period 1991 to 2018, by combining household survey with administrative tax microdata and making adjustments to match National Accounts aggregates. We find that inequality of post-tax national income is lower and increased less than inequality of survey-based (post-transfer, disposable) income between 1991 and 2018. International comparisons reveal that Australian inequality is much lower than that of the United States, while it is similar to that of France, with those at the bottom of the income distribution faring noticeably better in France and Australia than in the US.

Many countries impose job search requirements on unemployment benefit recipients. Existing studies have evaluated only incremental changes to requirements. Australian reforms in 1995 saw groups of welfare recipients newly subjected to job search requirements, allowing us to produce the first causal estimates of the total effects of such requirements on welfare receipt. Using a quasi-experimental design and administrative data, we find large negative effects on welfare receipt for mature-age partnered women targeted by the reforms. We also find large negative effects on welfare receipt of their partners, suggesting family labour supply decisions were considerably affected.

Peer-reviewed journal articles  

French peer-reviewed articles


Libéralisation commerciale, pauvreté et inégalités en Afrique du Sud [Trade Liberalisation, Poverty and Inequality in South Africa], Editions Universitaires Européennes, Saarbrücken, 316 p. (2016).

Book Chapters

Peer reviewed

South Africa, pp. 331-356 in Anderson, K., Cockburn, J. and Martin, W. (eds), Agricultural Price Distortions, Inequality and Poverty, World Bank, Washington D.C. (with J. Thurlow) (2010).


Labour Supply Modelling in Sequential Computable General Equilibrium-Microsimulation Models, pp. 3-11 in R.O. Bailly (eds), Emerging Topics in Macroeconomics, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2009).

Magazine Article

Pathways to growth: the reform imperative, Insights, 16 (November 2014), 5-13 (with Cobb-Clark, D., Broadway, B., Bubonya, M., Buddelmeyer, H., Chigavazira, A., Hahn, M., Jensen, P., Li, J., Marks, G., Peyton, K., Robinson, T., Ryan, C., and Tsiaplias, S.).