Scientific Cosplay
The second day of IEEE week we had an NHCE twist on the classic game Air crash using Scientists as our celebrities and compelling students to learn about the importance of Scientists. It was conducted on the 12th of October from 2:30 onwards.
The event had an upsurge in participation and an alarming passion to learn about Engineering, scientists, and other historic figures who dedicated themselves to bringing humanity to this stage. Students learned how to voice their opinion in a strategic, civil manner and the importance of Scientists and their works.
The event unfolded in three rounds. It was testing the wits of the participants on the spot by giving them battling options of famous personalities.
Students are graded on multiple factors throughout the rounds. The scoring helps in the elimination at the end of each round. Participants become more competitive and smarter as they have to defend their personality to survive the aircrash.
Towards the end, the top three survivors who were able to defend, stay relevant to their assigned personality and win the parachute after proving to be more deserving wins the event.
IEEE team members convey the message about more such events taking place on campus, as to provide more students the opportunity to come forward and explore their strengths and win more events