PUBLICATIONS & Presentations


  • Del Giudice, D., Matli, V. R. R., & Obenour, D. R. (2020). Bayesian mechanistic modeling characterizes Gulf of Mexico hypoxia: 1968–2016 and future scenarios. Ecological Applications.

  • Karnauskas, M., R.J. Allee, J.K. Craig, M.E. Jepson, C.R. Kelble, M. Kilgour, R.D. Methot. S. Regan. (2019). Effective fishery management is good for Gulf of Mexico’s “bottom line". Fisheries 44.

  • Karnauskas M., Kelble C.R., Regan S., Quenée C., Allee R., Jepson M., Freitag A., Craig J.K., Carollo C., Barbero L., Trifonova N., Hanisko D., Zapfe G. (2017). 2017 Ecosystem status report update for the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-706.

  • Matli, V. R. R., Fang, S., Guinness, J., Rabalais, N. N., Craig, J. K., & Obenour, D. R. (2018). Space-Time Geostatistical Assessment of Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(21), 12484-12493.

  • Matli, V. R. R., Laurent, A., Fennel, K., Craig, K., Krause, J., & Obenour, D. R. (2020). Fusion-Based Hypoxia Estimates: Combining Geostatistical and Mechanistic Models of Dissolved Oxygen Variability. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(20), 13016-13025.

  • Scavia, D., Bertani, I., Obenour, D. R., Turner, R. E., Forrest, D. R., & Katin, A. (2017). Ensemble modeling informs hypoxia management in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201705293.

  • Scavia, D., Justic, D., Obenour, D. R., Craig, K., & Wang, L. (2018). Hypoxic volume is more responsive than hypoxic area to nutrient load reductions in the northern Gulf of Mexico–and it matters to fish and fisheries. Environmental Research Letters.


  • Craig, J.K., M.D. Smith, J.M. Nance. Linking low oxygen to fisheries: Effects of hypoxia-Induced habitat Loss on the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery. American Fisheries Society, Tampa, August 2017.

  • Craig, J.K. Hypoxia and Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. University Maryland Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, November 2017.

  • Craig, J.K. Hypoxia Impacts on Living Resources and Implications for Management. NCCOS HAB and Hypoxia Science Review, Silver Spring, MD, February 2018.

  • Craig, J.K., R.A. Hart, D.R. Obenour, R.R. Matli, J. Primrose, K. Rose. Assessing the interactive effects of hypoxia and fishing on demersal shrimp in the northern Gulf of Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, August 2018.

  • Krause, J. R., Massi, M., Williams, J. A., Cao, J., Matli, V., Obenour, D., & Craig, J. K. Effects of large-scale hypoxia and spatial closures on the dynamics of the northern Gulf of Mexico shrimp fleet. American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio, September, 2020.

  • Matli, R.R., Fang, S., Guinness, J., & Obenour, D.R. Space-Time Geostatistical Modelling of Aquatic Systems: Examples from the Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico. AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Conference, Portland, OR. February 2018.

  • Matli, V. R. R., Laurent, A., Sohn, D., Craig, K., Fennel, K., & Obenour, D. R. "Fusion-based hypoxia estimates: linking geostatistical and mechanistic models of dissolved oxygen variability". CERF Biennial Conference. Mobile, AL. November 2019.

  • Obenour, D.R. and J.K. Craig, Synthesis and Integrated Modeling of Long-term Data Sets to Support Fisheries and Hypoxia Management in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Hypoxia Effects on Fisheries Workshop, New Orleans, LA., February 2017.

  • Obenour, D.R. and J.K. Craig. Synthesis and Integrated Modeling of Long-term Data Sets to Support Fisheries and Hypoxia Management in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Hypoxia Fisheries Monitoring Workgroup (FMW) Workshop, Stennis Space Center, MS, May 2018.

  • Obenour, D.R., Del Giudice, D., & Katin, A. Exploring Oxygen Demands and Dynamics in Coastal Systems Using a Bayesian-Mechanistic Approach. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. San Juan, PR. February 2019.


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