Communicating Better

For Community Groups


Helpful hints, How To Guides and Tutorials on using free, open source and collaborative tools to assist Community and Not for Profit groups to improve their communications.

Many Community and Not for Profit (NFP) groups are needing to find new ways to improve communications, both within their group and committees, and with their clients or general community.

Recommended Systems

My experience is in using a number of key cloud based systems and open source software, particularly Google Apps (GSuite) and tools. This is my area of knowledge, and I do not guarantee that these are the best systems - just the ones I know work well and can explain how to use.

If you have any feedback or comments, please go to the Feedback page.

Why Google Drive?

There are a few reasons to use Drive and related GSuite tools for community groups:

  1. It's FREE
  2. A Google Account comes with 15 gigabytes of data free across the applications, which can be used to store and manage group files, photos, projects and documents.
  3. You don’t need to have a Gmail address - but you can also get one for the group if needed
  4. Docs (documents), Sheets (spreadsheets) and Forms (surveys, registrations) are really useful tools for groups and simple to use
  5. Information can be shared among a controlled access group, or published for all to access.
  6. Lots of people have Google Accounts, from YouTube, Android phones, Gmail etc already.

There are also options for groups which are registered as a Charity to get the full Google Suite for free.


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