Suggestions on Starting a Virtual Group

Suggestions on starting an online group

The following list outlines some of the steps taken to support this online group.

  • Have patience to accept the time it takes to do things right.

  • Continued to hold business meetings using a group conscience to reach decisions supportive of the group.

  • Created an email account for this group

  • Registered the group with the World Service Office - - so the group appears in the Find a Meeting list.

  • Join a region- we picked the Central California Region when we were still meeting in-person.

  • Created a website for this group -

  • Registered the website with the World Service Website Committee -

  • Reached consensus to declare this group to be a "permanently virtual" group.

  • Requested the World Service Office list this group on the Virtual Meetings page -

  • Created an automated reply for emails coming to the group email account.

  • Switched the meeting from a service paid for by a member to a service paid for by the region. One advantage of this shift is there are multiple people within the region with access to the region's account who can fill in if the group's technical moderator is unavailable.