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Suggestions for members

Suggestions for members when participating in an online meeting

Anonymity reminder from the United Kingdom virtual group:

"Please mute your microphone until you would like to speak. If you are in a public place, or even at home where people not attending the meeting could enter the room, please do not have your video on and wear headphones. Equally important, please can you ensure the videos of attending members are not visible to anyone else."

"This is because of anonymity as detailed above, protecting both the privacy and anonymity of members and potentially your 'qualifiers' if they live with you i.e. the person who brought you to this programme."

  1. Please share using your first name. Optionally you can add the first initial of your last name. Ours is an anonymous program.

  2. Please change the name displayed on the screen to be your first name, and optionally add the first initial of your last name. Some members also add the city where they live.

  3. We ask you to refrain from taking photos, making personal recordings, or doing screen captures during the meetings. Be mindful we may be exposing others to judgment and harm by showing they attended a Nar-Anon event. We want all attendees, including newcomers, to know this is a safe place.

  4. It is up to each individual to choose if they want to turn on their video/camera.

  5. When you are not reading, or sharing, please consider muting your microphone so background noise does not make it harder for others to hear the person speaking.

    • If you are calling with your cell phone * 6 should mute and * 6 again should unmute your phone.

    • If you are using a web browser, there should be a picture of a microphone in the bottom toolbar. Sometimes you need to hover in the bottom area to get the toolbar to appear. When the microphone has a red line through it, you are muted. Click the microphone to change from muted to unmuted.

  6. Two quotes from the Nar-Anon Sample Meeting Format on the Service Literature page of the world service website are important to consider:

“In Nar-Anon meetings, we do not engage in crosstalk. Personal progress for the greatest number depends on unity; therefore we take turns sharing our own experience, strength, and hope. We do not interrupt each other or engage in dialogue; we do not put the spotlight on just one member; and we do not give advice, offer solutions, or try to rescue one another. By patiently listening, we show respect for each other and concern for the common welfare of the group. Loving interchange can occur outside the meeting time through one-on-one or group conversations, shared meals, e-mail, telephone, and sponsorship.” ©

    • Think carefully before using the chat feature during a meeting. Are you cross-talking by commenting on someone's share? Are you distracting others from their focus?

    • Please be considerate of the speaker by turning off your video when you are walking about, cooking, eating, talking with family members, and such. Would you do those activities within an in-person meeting?

“Anything you hear... is strictly our own opinion. The principles of Nar-Anon are found in our Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. If a member says something... you cannot accept, remember he or she is speaking from their own experience; they are not speaking for Nar-Anon. When you leave our meeting, take home those thoughts that will be most helpful to you, forget those you feel will not be helpful, and keep coming back. We ask that you speak only as a member of Nar-Anon unless you were invited as a speaker from NA.” ©

  1. Please check the "Literature" page on this website for links to paper and electronic versions of Nar-Anon literature.

  2. If you find value in the Nar-Anon program, please consider making a contribution to Nar-Anon World Service using our Group ID 131-117 (V)
    Or to the Central California Region

  3. Anonymity is vital to our members.

    • Please protect your anonymity by only sharing your first name and optionally your last initial. You can connect with other members outside the meeting time and share other personal information if you so choose.

    • Please protect the anonymity of your friends and family. Our program is designed to help you in your recovery. Your loved one's drug of choice, status, and behaviors are their story to share. Please focus your sharing on how you feel, act, and react. Please do not share your loved one's names.

    • Please protect the anonymity of all the other members in our group. What you hear in our meetings is shared in confidence and should not be repeated elsewhere. This becomes especially important in online meetings as anyone passing by your computer may see member faces or hear what members are sharing. Try to find a private space so what you say and what you hear and see remains confidential.

© Copyright Nar-Anon Family Groups Headquarters, Inc.