January 2021 GSR Report

January 2021 GSR Report

NFG Sunday Step Study

Sundays at 1:00 p.m.

Group 131-117 (V)

This is a step study workshop. The group uses the Nar-Anon 36 workbook. We typically cover one or two pages in the workbook per week.

The group began on March 19, 2017 as a physical group meeting in Bakersfield, California. Due to the COVID restrictions, this group changed our registration with the World Service Office from being an in-person to being a permanently virtual meeting.

Newcomers find this group through the World Service website and from the Central California Regional website.

The group has a website for communicating with newcomers and with members:

https://sites.google.com/view/nfg-step-study/, or https://bit.ly/NFGSunday.

The group also has a dedicated email account - SundayNFGStepStudy@gmail.com. When a newcomer sends an email to the group email account, they quickly receive an automatic reply with information about this meeting, a link to the Central California Regional website, and a link to the Rocky Mountain Regional website. Later in the day, a member reviews the emails in the group inbox and sends a follow up email. There are typically 10 to 20 newcomer emails every week, though because this is a step study workshop only a few of those who send an email actually attend. Many others either chose another meeting in the Central California Region, or try the daily meeting hosted by the Rocky Mountain Region.

Two members from the Central California Region share Zoom hosting duties, so there will be continuity should one member be unavailable on a Sunday.

Membership in the group has slowly grown from 5 or so in January 2020 to 30 or more in January 2021. The members active in the Sunday group are now from scattered locations around the world.

Beginning the first week in January 2021, this group has begun holding short business meetings after the regular meeting. The group plans to review all of the motions in the 2021 Conference Agenda Report and submit a vote on each to the CCR Delegate and Alternate Delegate.


● The group has not yet determined an effective way to do the 7th Tradition but is watching the experiments other groups are conducting.