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Nar-Anon Sunday Step Study

A step study workshop using the Nar-Anon 36.

Schedule for September 22, 2024

Note - there are 2 groups

In August, 2024, Group 1 will start over on Step 1 using "The Nar-Anon Twelve Step Program" (Yellow Booklet).

On November 17, 2024, Group 1 will start over on the first page of the Nar-Anon 36 workbook. We will work through the introduction and from Step 1 to Step 12.

Group 1 - Continuing the Study

Continuing in the Steps - 12:00 noon Pacific; 1:00 Mountain; 2:00 Central; 3:00 Eastern; 8:00 pm London; 9:00 pm European; 9:00 pm South Africa; 10:00 pm Moscow; 10:30 pm Tehran; 5:00 am Monday Brisbane; 7:00 am Monday Auckland.

Happy Anniversary - This group was started on September 15, 2013. We are now 11 years old.

This week we will use a document called the Twelve Steps in Twelve Minutes.

The Nar-Anon literature we use in the Sunday Step Study groups is available in paper format from the World Service Office, or as eBooks from Amazon (Kindle), Apple (iBooks), Barnes & Noble (Nook), or Google (Play Books).

Group 131-035 - began on 15 September 2013

Group 2 - NFG Sunday Step Study

Steps - 1:00 p.m. Pacific; 2:00 Mountain; 3:00 Central; 4:00 Eastern; 9:00 pm London; 10:00 pm European; 10:00 pm South Africa; 11:00 pm Moscow; 11:30 pm Tehran; 6:00 am Monday Brisbane; 8:00 am Monday Auckland.

Step 5, pages 47 through 49 starting from "Admitted to Another Person" with questions 19 through 23 in the Nar-Anon 36 and October 8 in the SESH.

The Nar-Anon literature we use in the Sunday Step Study groups is available in paper format from the World Service Office, or as eBooks from Amazon (Kindle), Apple (iBooks), Barnes & Noble (Nook), or Google (Play Books).

Group 131-117 V - began on 19 March 2017

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BTW - We need your help in Nar-Anon service.

Seventh Tradition - "Every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." Please consider using the "Contribute" button on the World Service Nar-Anon website or the "Contribute" button on the Central California Region website to help support Nar-Anon. Please mention our group number when making a contribution - 131-117 (V).

Format - Members take turns reading from the Nar-Anon 36 and responding to the questions in the workbook. We typically cover one or two pages each week. 

Language - English

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The Nar-Anon Newsletter is available for download from  the world service website.

There are several upcoming events. Flyers about them are posted on the Events page on the world service website.

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