2022 XRchive Series:Exploring Sustainability and Historical Culture

CETI x NGI: Through XR experiences, we will infuse the Portland landscape with vivid experiences that challenge and subvert systems and symbols of power, inspiring conversations in place around a reimagined future for Portland. These might include videos, sound bytes, depictions of under-represented characters, hazy memories, and imagined futures, wielding these powerful new technologies as an engine for collective memory and imagination.

With XR technologies such as augmented reality, combined with the pervasiveness of hand-held devices, it is easier than ever to create community building experiences that are both accessible, sustainable, and educational. There is also limitless potential for interactivity, making such experiences even more engaging.

NGI and our partners will collaborate with local communities to create poignant and powerful XR experiences of memory and imagination. We focus on two main sets of experiences emphasizing themes of migrations and displacements, of social and systemic injustice/exclusion/racism/erasure, and of future possibility surrounding our natural environments. They are:

  • Places, communities, culture, memories, and future vision of the Albina region in N/NE Portland;

  • A virtual memorial/meditation/reflection amongst previously unmarked graves for Chinese immigrant railroad workers in SE Portland.

Environmental Justice Roundtable with the East Portland Resilience CoalitioN (MK II):

NGI x EPRC: Join us in a roundtable discussion of actionable climate items, climate education content planning, and community unity to engage marginalized communities of East Portland in creating lasting impact in the fight for climate justice.

NGI x United Nations Speaker Series: THe Future of Sustainable Fashion
10/7/22 (10-11 AM PST)

Hosted by NextGen Innovators and the United Nations Environmental Programme!

Please welcome speaker Maëlys Nizan from the UN. Maëlys Nizan is a Partnerships, Communication and Knowledge Management Analyst at UN Environment Programme based in Paris. She works on international sustainable development, effective storytelling & communication that nourish the global community, and bringing innovative solutions to face current environmental challenges especially along the lines of textiles and the future of fashion!

Join in on the link attached!

Environmental Justice Roundtable with the East Portland Resilience CoalitioN:

NGI x EPRC: Join us in a roundtable discussion of integrating climate education, grassroots environmental movements, and collaborative efforts to engage marginalized communities of East Portland in creating lasting impact in the fight for climate justice.

Annual Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Biodiversity Conservation Festival Fundraiser RoUnd 1:

NGI x Friends of Tualatin: Introducing the 2022 Youth Biodiversity Conservation Summit, hosted in coordination with the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge.

CETI Enchanted Tech 2022:
AUgUst thru July

CETI x NGI: Join in on a summer of art, technology, craft, fabrication and imagination as we infuse the cityscape with hidden messages, images, and stories. Through our workshops and institutes, learn to create objects, images, music, and experiences (physical and virtual) to reveal fantastical joyful voices, experiences, memories, and futures.

Our festival this year will be made up of a series of Institutes for Youth, Educators, Community, and Professionals. Experimenting with (and learning) a variety of digital/coding platforms/tools (including p5, unity, 8th wall, ML/AI tools), with interactivity (using sensors, microcontrollers, and mobile devices), and with augmenting reality, we will introduce techniques, ideas from experts, ending in a collaborative show in September 2022.

ClimaTe Change: workIng aCrOss gEnEraTIons To buILd a brIghTer FuTure

JunE 15 2022

Co-Presented by Next-Gen Innovators and SAGE

Climate change is a major generational equity challenge because the choices we make today will affect our climate for generations to come. Our warming climate poses serious threats, and this challenge also presents opportunities for innovative solutions. Join us for our next intergenerational conversation on climate change and share your thoughts and ideas for action.

Guests from different generations will gather and share how the issue of climate change affects them, their families, and friends. We’ll then ask everyone to share their own ideas and actions, and we’ll spotlight pathways to get involved with community initiatives. Guests will leave the gathering with their own personal action plan to make a difference.

Next-Gen Innovators (NGI) and Senior Advocates for Generational Equity (SAGE) are co-presenting this special event. NGI is creating a community of students to take on the climate crisis through activism and innovative STEM solutions. SAGE inspires and supports older adults to work across generations to address major challenges like climate change.

Event hosted outdoors in the garden at The Historic Overlook House, 3839 N Melrose Dr, Portland, OR 97227.

'22 Tualatin RIver National Wildlife Refuge REOPENING

May 1st 2022

The seasonal wetland trail will reopen, as normal, may 1st, 2022. Our year-round river trail will remain open during construction, which provides visitors two miles of out-and-back path to explore the refuge.

The public reopening will feature local environmental initiatives stationed around booths outdoors. Come join us in a celebration of the beautiful outdoors at the Refuge visitor center on the 1st!

'22 Our FUTURE Oregon Green Career Fair

April 30th 2022

The future of Oregon's economy is trending towards a focus on more sustainable and efficient ways of managing our resources. On Saturday, April 30th, please join other students from around the state of Oregon to learn about educational and career opportunities in this emerging economy!

To check out our panelist brochure, see the day's schedule and panel topics, and to register, please click HERE. Space is limited, so register today!

'22 Portland Youth CLIMAte Summit

April 23rd 2022

The Portland Youth Climate Collective (PYCC) is excited to present the 2nd Annual Portland Youth Climate Summit hosted at OMSI from 10:00am to 4:30pm (doors at 9:30am) on Saturday April 23rd. This youth led climate summit will include a variety of presentations on issues such as Environmental Justice, Intersectional Environmentalism, Indigenous Led Environmentalism, Food Justice, and Urban Development.

PYCC mobilizes youth leadership through shared learning, collaboration and mutual care, helping to build a stronger, more inclusive youth climate justice movement in the Greater Portland Region. PYCC’s vision is to create space and support for young people and youth-led organizations to build a bottom-up movement for activating youth leadership in climate justice.

The event invites youth to be centered in conversations with climate and environmental justice organizations. It was created by youth in partnership the Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network. It is sponsored by Portland State University, Portland Community College, and Portland General Electric.

'22 CeTI ConsTeLLatIons evenT (SHimmering Ecologies)

FebruarY 2022

A group of artists, technologists, architects, musicians, hackers, and engineers gather in February 2022 for a weekend of creative experiments at the CETI Lab at PSU to bring unique interactive light and sound pieces, immersive experiences, and performances to life through technology!

'21 NextGen Creative Challenge

Jun-Aug 2021

Spreading awareness about environmental issues we face today and encouraging the creation of ideas/solutions to help solve these crises.