
La gazzetta dello studente

«Un enfant, un professeur, un livre et un stylo peuvent changer le monde»

Malala Yousafzai

La scuola siamo tutti noi, insieme

Carissimi studenti, gentilissimi genitori, colleghi professori e personale ATA,

inizia con questo numero una nuova avventura! In un periodo dove le notizie sono poco confortanti, vogliamo cercare di costruire un ponte che colleghi tutti gli attori del nostro mondo scolastico: a volte meraviglioso, a volte difficile da comprendere, impegnativo e allegro al contempo e così sospirato in questi giorni, nonostante i suoi difettucci e le verifiche da svolgere!

Il primo numero del New-S-Ton Pertini, la Gazzetta dello studente si presenta quindi come un filo rosso che ci unisce, che vuole comunicare e può farci comunicare, interagire, incontrare anche se solo virtualmente per il momento. Per questi motivi, apriamo questo primo numero natalizio con degli articoli che poco hanno a che vedere con lo spirito delle feste: voi ragazzi volete far sapere che VI MANCA LA SCUOLA!

Sappiate che anche a noi docenti e personale scolastico mancate molto!

Il New-S-Ton Pertini, la Gazzetta dello studente si occuperà di raccogliere news su quello che sta succedendo a scuola, e logicamente una parte sarà dedicata alle festività nel mondo, grazie agli apporti degli studenti delle classi seconde e terze, che hanno deciso di diventare i corrispondenti a distanza per questo numero.

Ringraziamo tutti gli studenti e le studentesse che hanno contribuito, ci impegniamo a migliorare le prossime uscite.

Vi auguriamo Buone Feste!

La redazione

Proff. Milardo, Beretta, De Sandre, Rampado, Pedrini e Papaccio


In questo periodo una delle domande più frequenti è se ci manca la scuola, e pensiamo che la maggior parte di noi possa dire di sì. Ma perché ci mancano tanto quelle quattro mura che prima ci stavano così strette? Abbiamo deciso di rispondere a questa domanda in inglese.

One of the many reasons why we miss school, is the most obvious one, we miss our classmates!

Who misses the times when in the morning we talked together before class, we freaked out because of our tests, when we fought for food and drinks from the vending machine, when we were scolded by our teachers? We don’t know if you, reader, miss these things, but we do, and we can’t wait to go back to school without wearing a mask, without the worry to stay too close to each other, without yelling at our teachers “WE CAN’T HEAR YOU!” because of the connection.

Talking about connections we can’t stand the fact of having online tests and not being able to send them because of the Wi-Fi, and other problems; having to leave the lessons more than three times just to hear the teacher; having to search everywhere for codes for entering in the lessons.

I mean, IT’S A MESS!!

And not to mention the big headaches we have every day after trying to solve these problems and watching a screen for more than five hours, let alone when your eyes hurt and you have backaches at the end of the day, and we are still in high school!!!

The only way to go back to “normality” is following the instructions they told us and be patient not to go to the disco and to the shopping center before the time comes.

Thanks for reading ‘til the end, hope to see everyone soon!

V. V. P. D., V. M.


Maybe lot of people think that the answer to this question is easy “Yes I miss a lot my school” but not all the students can think at same way. In this period we have learnt that there are other ways to understand the same things that we learn at school. If somebody ask the question to me probably I will answer “I don’t know” and now I’m going to tell you why.

When I was at school I met my friends everyday, if it happened something strange the day after i could peacefully tell them. Also, i love always dressed myself in different ways and show to the people my style. I miss all the extra-curricular projects that my school offers to all her students.

The negative side of going to school maybe it’s the anxiety of having all the interrogations or tests in presence: in that situation it’s better for you that you know the topic or you get a four (or worst a three).

In the distant learning a lot of people can feel better and less distressed , but unfortunately for others think otherwise. In the DAD a large amount of people can sleep until five minutes before connecting for their video lesson. But when you are connected you have to stay five or six hours in front of a computer, or a tablet, or worse, a phone. Some people can feel weaker and sleepier than when they go to school.

Sometimes there are also problems with Internet connection but some teacher don’t understand and this takes them to think that these problems are made on purpose witch of course is not.

So: do I miss the school? Yes, I do, but most of all I miss my normal routine. And what about you? Do you miss the school?

G. Z.


To answer quickly: Yes, I miss school.

Before all this chaos, with COVID pandemic, quarantine, online classes, I would have never thought to say something like this.

School was something I was almost “forced” to do, something I did not like.

Something I took for granted.

When the pandemic started, and we were all in quarantine, for the first two weeks, I felt in paradise.

No school, no homework. However, after the first month, I felt like I could not last longer.

I started missing my friends, my teachers, even the stress before a test.

When I did my firsts online classes, I thought:”Ok, maybe this is going to be better”.

The answer was a big NO.

I think that online classes are really something that we do not want to do at all.

When we went to school, every morning I would see my best friends, we would enjoy our time together.

With online classes, the time we can stay together depends on our Wi-Fi connection!

We can be suddenly kicked off of a video chat: your Wi-Fi can turn off any moment.

Also, something different from normal school are tests.

We are more stressed, because teachers are stricter: online, is “easier to cheat” they say.

Ok ok, it is true: some students can cheat, but not everybody does!

I do not think it is normal to start crying with anxiety before your teacher enters the online class.

It is not normal to not be able to sleep, and get up at midnight because “I have to study”.

We want our normal life back, and COVID-19 is taking away our teenage years, which in my opinion, is one of the best part of our lives.

Please, COVID, make us come back to normal life again!

E. F.