
Diplomatic Relations

As of 2023, the New Rubix Republic has relations with twelve other micronations across the globe. Diplomacy is handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"New Rubix's foreign policy is guided by a commitment to multilateralism and Antipodean micronationalism, as well as to build strong bilateral relations with micronations both in Australian and across the globe. Key concerns include intermicronational dialogue, multiculturalism/cultural exchange and military co-operation. It is open forming diplomatic relations with other micronations if they share common or non-conflicting values."

Lakeshore Republic


Kingdom of Blazdonia

United Colonists of Billaton

The Kingdom of Butte

Colom Isles Republic

Constitutional Republic of Libertas


Republic of Floriland

Marxist Empire


State of Vishwamitra

MFF_240423_ _New Rubix-Tinland Treaty of Mutual Recognition_.pdf

Republic of Tinland