New Paltz Evolutionary Psychology Lab

Graduate Program (MS degree) in Psychological Science

Concentrated Research Experience in Evolutionary Psychology

History and Mission

Since the Fall of 2000, the New Paltz Evolutionary Psychology Lab in the Psychology Department of the State University of New York at New Paltz (75 miles north of NYC) has been in the business of conducting research on the human condition using evolutionary principles. Glenn Geher, the director of the lab and author of Evolutionary Psychology 101, has published nearly 100 scholarly articles, book chapters, and books focusing on illuminating our evolved human psychology. Working with a broad array of graduate students, undergraduate students, and visiting scholars from all around the world, the work of our lab has led to new insights into such topics as:

  • The evolutionary psychology of estrangements and social transgressions
  • The personality features of ancestral Neanderthals
  • The evolutionary psychology of politics
  • Human mating psychology
  • Evolution and education
  • Positive Evolutionary Psychology

and more.

Across the publications of the lab are more than 100 instances of students serving as co-authors on scholarly publications. Hundreds of conferences presentations across the world have been given by members of the lab.

Students in the lab regularly have gotten into PhD programs at universities such as the University of Florida, the University of Alabama, Auburn University, Xavier University, DePaul University, Binghamton University, Brunel University, New Mexico State University, and more.

Many graduate students in the program receive financial awards, including departmental teaching assistantships which come with a stipend of $5,000 a year and partial tuition remission.

Also, our lab is credited with founding the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society (NEEPS) and our members regularly have special roles connected with that conference each year.

To find out more about our lab, please explore this website - and/or contact Glenn by email!